Page 23 of His Forever
She smiled at his words. Leave it to him to make her smile after that nightmare! “Thank you, Zeus,” she replied, turning toward him. He took the hint and captured her lips in a sweet but scorching kiss that showed her how much her feistiness had affected him.
“Now, I will return to my shop. Poor Carlos was left holding an oil filter when I got the call and ran over,” he said. “I’m working late tonight, care to eat dinner with me?”
“I’d love to, want me to come over there when I’m done for the day?”
“Si,” he responded as he stood up and made sure she was steady on her feet. “You are okay, Marleigh?”
“I am, Zeus. I truly am.”
“Then I will see you later,” he told her as he kissed her forehead and headed back out into the main salon area, where he hugged his mom and gave her a quick kiss before he went back to his shop.
Working on Suri later, she heard all about the “stranger” who was in town and how handsome he was, unlike most who lived there. She had even managed to get a dinner date with the man and Marleigh was glad her customer couldn’t see her rolling her eyes. She’d find out. Then again, shehadcheated on Zeus, so as far as she was concerned, the other woman was getting what she deserved if she hooked up with Colton. When she had finished the facial, she merely said, “I hope he’s what you’re looking for, Suri. I’ll see you when you come out front,” before leaving the room.
Back up front, Chandra pulled her over and gave her a high five for how she handled her ex. “You won’t believe it, but Suri has a date with him tonight,” Marleigh told her friend. “I think they deserve each other if you want the truth, but I honestly wish he would just go away!”
“Girl, for sure he won’t mess with you again!”
“Ha, right? I couldn’t believe how you tore into him,” Joy said.
“Well, theonlygood thing I can see that came from that colossal disaster is I ended up here with all of you and I have Zeus in my life now,” she finally replied.
“Yeah you do and that makesyouthe winner in my book!”
“Okay, ladies, let me go get ready for my next few customers,” she said, seeing Suri come out of the facial room. “I’ve got my own dinner date to think about and I believe I’ll have far more fun.”
The other two women grinned at her. They loved seeing how much more relaxed Zeus was and his smile was ready again, unlike the past few years since Suri. Marleigh was good for him.
“Hey, Zeus!”
“Hello, mi siempre hermosa,” he replied, stopping what he was doing long enough to give her a quick kiss. “Just need to tighten a few things and clean up a bit and we can go eat, okay?”
“That’s fine. Anything I can help you with?” she asked.
“Nope. You just sit there looking pretty.”
She rolled her eyes at him. She knew she looked like she had been working, even though she had freshened up before coming over. “Do you want me to feed Duke when I get home since you’re working late?” After the whole food poisoning episode where he had barely left her side, they had spent a lot of time together and she often fed Duke when Zeus worked late.
“Si, if you don’t mind. You know where the key is, right?”
“As long as you haven’t moved it, yes I do.”
“I haven’t moved it, mi siempre hermosa. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Finally finished with the task at hand, he put up the tools and said, “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time.”
As he scrubbed his hands clean, he thought over the past few months. He could honestly say that she had become one of his closest friends. He closed his eyes remembering what his papá had said when he had asked how he had remained married to his Mamá for so many years.“Make sure she’s your best friend, Mijo. Be the man who will hold her secrets close and make sure she will be the one who will hold yours close. The physical attraction is good, of course, and important in a marriage, but if something happens, you have to have a level of intimacy that starts with a foundation based in friendship.”
He felt that with her, even though they hadn’t fully shared all their secrets. He wasn’t against doing it, the time just hadn’t felt right. Grateful again for the wisdom he received from his papá, he finished cleaning up and then headed back out to see her sitting there, eyes closed and a smile on her face. “Mi siempre hermosa? Did you wait so long you fell asleep?”
Her smile turned into a grin as she turned toward him, hopping off the counter she had been sitting on. “No, I was meditating a bit. I’m tired but not yet sleepy.”