Page 25 of His Forever
“You too, Mother. Give my love to Daddy.”
“I will. Goodbye.”
She disconnected the call and then threw the phone, glad she had a protective case when it hit her dresser and bounced back on the floor. Still grumbling, she got up and got ready to head to the salon. Out at the car, she saw a note with a flower under the windshield and she smiled.
“Mi siempre hermosa, saw this and it made me think of you. Have a wonderful day. Z”
Gah, I could get used to this! She got in the car and headed out. It was her turn to get the donuts and coffee and she drove into town with that in mind.
He heard a cat’s cry when he opened the garage for the day. Talking softly, he continued to follow the sound until he located the source. There sitting among the pile of tires that were stacked waiting to be put on the waiting vehicles, he saw the tiniest scrap of fur with the longest whiskers. Picking up the kitten, he held it close and continued to talk softly as he made his way into the office. “Well, what do we have here,” he said as he sat the tiny cat on his desk. Mostly black with multi-colored streaks, the small bit of fluff with bright green eyes stared back at him. “Well, teeny, I don’t have any food here but I know someone who will know what to do with you. Would you like to meet mi siempre hermosa?” he asked the cat, chuckling at the “meow” that followed.
He headed over to the salon, the kitten cuddled close to his chest and once in the door, asked, “Is Marleigh busy?”
Chandra, turning at the door chime, saw Zeus and what he was carrying and she replied, “She’s here getting her rooms ready for the day. Go on back.”
He headed back to Marleigh’s room and could hear her humming to herself, making him smile. He really felt as though her breaking down was divine providence at times. As attracted as he was to her, he was fine with her setting the pace. “Mi siempre hermosa? You got a minute?” he asked as he stood in the doorway.
“Oh! Hey, Zeus, how are you this morning?” she asked.
“Good, Marleigh, and you?”
She walked closer to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, leaning up against him. “Better now that you’re here,” she replied softly. “Oh! What…what do you have?”
“I found this little one in the shop this morning. I thought I would bring it to you since you are familiar with cats.”
“Oh my,” she said, gently taking the kitten from his arms. “Hello, little one. Are you a boy or a girl?” she mused as she checked the kitten out. “A little girl? Well aren’t you pretty?”
“Mijo? Did I hear your voice?” María-Luisa called out as she came down the hall.
“Si, Mamá. I am in Marleigh’s room.”
Entering the room, she stopped short seeing Marleigh with the kitten and Zeus standing nearby. “What do you have, Mija?”
“Zeus found a kitten this morning, Mamá, and he brought her over to me. Do we have a box or something? We need to take it to the vet and find out how old it is so I can get the right stuff.”
“You have clients, Mija, I will take it over to Dr. Bliss, okay?”
“Are you sure, Mamá? Don’t you have clients coming in as well?”
“Not for a few hours. I will take it now and be back before you know it.”
“Thank you. Do you want me to give you money?” she asked as she turned to grab her wallet.
“No. I will let you know how much when I get back, si?”
“Okay, thank you.” Kissing the kitten on the head she handed her over to María-Luisa who turned and left the room, leaving the couple alone.
She laughed, and said, “You first.”
“No, ladies first, mi siempre hermosa.”