Page 35 of His Forever
“Mom, you should meet the man that Marleigh is seeing.”
“Tell me more, missy!”
Marleigh thought about Zeus and how their relationship had evolved. “Well, he found me broken down on the side of the road on the worst day of my life and somehow, he managed to make everything right. His mom has a salon and needed a massage therapist so I started working the next day and he has managed to show me every day that I am important. I feel cherished, Aunt Jeanie.”
Jeanie looked at her niece and could see the glow she had and smiled. She had been thrilled when Paulie called and had her cancel the wedding plans because she knew that Colton had not been who Marleigh needed in her life. She was a free-spirit, someone who needed a man that would let her fly free while showing her she was a beloved, cherished person in his life. “Sweetie, he sounds wonderful. Your uncle and I need to make a trip so we can meet your young man, though.”
“Anytime. In fact, you should book a facial and massage while you’re at it! I would love to introduce you to his mother, too.”
As the group chatted and talked in the kitchen while they waited on Marleigh’s brother, there was a lot of joking and kidding going on. Marleigh could feel that the effects of her medicine were wearing off and wasn’t surprised when Paulie looked at her and said, “Chica, think it’s about time for another dose.”
“Yeah, maybe half a pill. I don’t want to fall asleep in my food,” she replied as she went for her purse. Grabbing her phone, she saw a text from Zeus and smiled.
Zeus: Hope you made it okay, mi siempre hermosa
Marleigh: We did! Are your ears burning?
Zeus: No, why?
Marleigh: Because I’ve been telling my aunt and uncle about you
Zeus: I see
Marleigh: Be prepared. They are planning a visit to meet you. Think Spanish Inquisition
Zeus: I will be ready, mi siempre hermosa. Have a good time. I’ll see you tonight
Marleigh: Okay, Zeus
The group watched as she texted and Paulie looked at his mom as if to say “See?”
With her brother finally there, making excuses as usual, they sat down for lunch. Because she was in a medicine-induced haze, most of what her mother said was ignored until she said, “Marleigh? What is this about you seeing someone? Isn’t it a bit too soon after breaking Colton’s heart?”
Marleigh rolled her eyes and sighed inside before replying, “Look, Mother, we’ve been over this already.He was a cheaterand that has no place in my life. Ever. And another thing, it’s beenmonthssince the engagement was broken off so I think I’m okay to date someone else since I’m single. I’m glad that Aunt Jeanie took care of canceling things because quite frankly, losing my best friend and my fiancé on the same day was a bit much. I’m grateful to Zeus and his family. They’ve taken me in and made me feel welcomed. You probably wouldn’t like him, but it doesn’t matter what you think.”
Paulie looked at her wanting to give her a high-five. She was flushed and he could tell she wasn’t feeling good but she hadfinallystood up for herself and for that, he couldn’t be more proud. For the first time ever, she had stood up to his bitch of an aunt. He watched the emotions flash across his aunt’s face as she realized exactly what her daughter had said to her.
“Marleigh Jeanette Cross, I cannot believe you took that tone with me!”
“Why not, Mother? It’s the toneyouuse on me every time we speak! I’veneverbeen good enough for you for some reason and you know what? I don’t care any more. I have people in my life who actually like who I am as a person. If you want to be a part of that, fine. If not, it’s no loss to me.” With that, she stood up from the table and looked at her father before saying, “Daddy, I want to talk to you, can we go for a walk?”
Her father stood, saying, “Sure, Princess. C’mon now,” as he led her out of the dining room and out the back door. Walking through the garden area, they finally sat down at the bench. He watched her and waited, knowing she had something on her mind.
“Daddy, why do you stay with her? She’s cold and mean-spirited. I don’t think she really loves any of us. I mean, if you’re just staying with her because you never got a pre-nup, then maybe you should just cut your losses.”
He sighed. This conversation had been a long time coming. “Princess, your mother wasn’t always like this. Something happened to her when you kids were younger and I don’t think she’s ever recovered. She put up a wall around her heart and won’t let anyone in.”
“Then why do you stay?”
“Because I keep hoping that someday, she’ll come back to me. To all of us.”
“Well, until that happens, Daddy, I won’t be coming around. You’re welcome to visit me, but I will not subject myself to her attempts to make me feel like I’m a failure. I know I’m not even if I am not a doctor or a lawyer or a business professional. What I do matters and it makes people feel good and sometimes, even heals their hurts.”
He kissed her temple before saying, “I understand, Princess. Guess when Jeanie and Sam make the trip to meet your young man, I need to tag along. I want to see the man who has captured my daughter’s heart and made her believe in love again.”
“Daddy! I don’t…I mean, I…”