Page 66 of His Forever
He groaned again as she took him in her mouth, farther back than he’d ever experienced. Not wanting to hurt her, he concentrated on not moving as her tongue swirled and licked while she sucked. When her hand cupped his balls and gently rolled and stroked them, his back bowed off the bed even as he felt his impending orgasm. “Marleigh? Mi siempre hermosa, I’m going to come,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. She doubled her efforts, refusing his attempts to pull her up and with a roar, he found himself coming down her throat. She continued her ministrations until he was done and then licked and sucked to make sure she didn’t miss anything. Once done, she started to slide up his body and with a smile said, “Good morning, handsome.”
Heart racing a mile a minute, he huffed out a laugh before he pulled her up so she was next to him, saying, “Best morning ever, Marleigh,” as he kissed her passionately. “As much as I wish we could stay here all day, Mamá did threaten to send Carlos over if we weren’t there for breakfast.”
She sighed in disappointment before she went to roll away and get out of bed. Following her, he took her hand and said, “Let’s get cleaned up, mi siempre hermosa, so we don’t have to see his face so early, okay?”
Giggling, she followed him into the shower and allowed him to wash her thoroughly, which led to more shower sex.
They arrived at the outdoor kitchen and with a quick kiss, she went to see what she could do to help. Within a short time under María-Luisa’s supervision, they had a buffet-style breakfast set up for everyone. She was standing there helping serve when she felt two strong arms circle her waist and heard, “Mi siempre hermosa, come eat.”
Making a plate, she followed him over to one of the picnic tables and sat down across from Paulie and Gray. Paulie, not missing a beat, said, “Sleep well, chica?” as he wiggled his eyebrows.
Blushing, she acted like she was going to throw her biscuit at him but said nothing and continued eating.
“Morning, Princess,” her dad said as they joined them.
“Morning Daddy, morning Mother,” she replied. Again, she noticed the changes in her mother and filed them away. A lifetime of hurt was slowly disappearing and she wasn’t sure how to process it all. Zeus, feeling her tension, reached down and squeezed her thigh. Turning to look at him, she smiled when he winked at her.Damn he’s hot.And he’s all mine.
Breakfast finally done, the day’s activities began. The men got a baseball game started with the kids who were old enough to play and she found herself watching as they played. Each time he came up to bat, he would jog over and kiss her, earning catcalls and whistles from her cousin. “Marleigh?” he asked.
“Can you go grab some drinks?”
“Sure, I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Thanks, mi siempre hermosa. It’s getting hot out here.”
In more ways than one. She made her way over to where the drinks were. Grabbing a rolling cooler, she filled it with cold waters and Gatorades and then wheeled it back over to the “field” and called out, “Break!”
As both teams made their way over, she handed out the drinks, giggling when Paulie flicked ice water at her. “Stop! You’re going to get me wet!” she scolded.
“I’m thinking that’s a perpetual issue these days,” he joked.
“Paulie! I can’t believe you said that,” she exclaimed. “There arechildrenaround!”
Zeus, coming up on the tail-end of the conversation chuckled before he leaned down and whispered, “Marleigh, I’m perpetually hard these days, so it’s only fair, don’t you think?” Glancing at him wide-eyed, she saw his wink before he kissed her, uncaring that they had an audience.
“Tio Zeus?”
“Si, Nesto.”
“Is she going to be your wife?”
Kill me now.Out of the mouths of babes.
“Nesto, you’ll be the second one to know when that happens,” he replied.
“Okay. I like her, Tio Zeus. She’s pretty.”
“Si, she is,” he said, his voice lowering as he looked at her.She’s beautiful when she blushes.
As the morning progressed, more people came and soon, the pool was full again and the grills were fired up in preparation for the all-day feasting. Realizing they were getting low on drinks, she walked over to Zeus and said, “I need to run into town and grab more drinks.”
“I’ll come with you, mi siempre hermosa,” he replied, grabbing his shirt and slipping his feet into the sandals he had kicked off. “Mamá? Is there anything else we need? Marleigh and I will run and grab it.”