Page 77 of His Forever
“Well, sadly now all they have are their memories so I hope they made some good ones along the way.”
“Me too, mi siempre hermosa, me too,” he said quietly as they headed home.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Two Months Later
“Do you think she’ll like it?” he asked Paulie.
“She’s going to love it, man. When are you asking her?”
“I’m planning to ask her tonight.”
“You know she’s not expecting this, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s not as if she has confided or anything because she hasn’t, but she never thoughtanyonewould want to marry her, and after all that shit happened with he-who-shall-not-be-named, and because youhavebeen married before, she has been content to live with you,” Paulie finally said.
How had he missed that? She had never hinted at marriage but he had known for some time that he wanted her forever – as his best friend, lover, helpmate and wife.Out loud he said, “I’ve failed her then, Paulie, and I need to make it right.”
“How do you think?”
“If she’s not been thinking about forever, then I’ve not shown her what she means to me.”
“Oh, she’s thinking about forever, man. Trust me. She’s just not thinking it involves marriage is all.”
“Well, that’s what I want.”
“Then go get her.”
Stepping into the house, she could smell good things coming from the kitchen and grinned as she made her way, stopping in awe when she saw the table set with candles and a wine bucket with several bottles of beer and her wine coolers chilling on the side. “Zeus? What’s all this?” she questioned as she wound her arms around his waist and kissed his back.
He turned around and leaned down to kiss her thoroughly. “Hey, mi siempre hermosa, how was your day?”
“It was good. What’s going on? It’s not my birthday or anything and I know it’s not yours again already,” she teased.
“You’ll see. Go grab a shower and wash off your day, it’ll be ready shortly, okay?”
Realizing she wouldn’t get any answers – yet – she kissed him again before she headed to their room to shower and change.
With dinner done, he led her out to the swing and settled her on his lap so she straddled him. “Marleigh? You know I love you, right?”
She huffed a little before replying, “Yeah, handsome, you show me all the time how much I mean to you. And for the record, I love you too.”
Taking a deep breath, he reached for her hands and said, “I never thought I would find someone again after all these years, but you showed up with two cat carriers and tear-swollen eyes and I knew, just knew, that my life was never going to be the same. Through all our dinners, runs to Walmart, and just hanging out, you became my best friend. Then one day, you gave me the gift of you and I added lover to that list. No matter what happens for the rest of my life, I want you by my side. Marleigh Cross, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
She closed her eyes against the tears that threatened. Never had she thought she would be this happy again and yet this man had repaired her broken heart and made her whole once again. Not because he fixed her but because he loved her through it all – the tears, the relocation – and did it by first being her friend with no expectations. Reaching out a hand, she cupped his jaw and softly said, “Yes, Zeus, I would love to be your wife.”
As he drew out the ring, he said, “I’m sorry, mi siempre hermosa, that you didn’t realize I wanted forever with you. Youaremy forever and I never want you to doubt it.” Placing the ring on her finger, he drew her close and kissed her thoroughly as his hands stroked along her sides before settling at her low back.
“Zeus? I want to make love to you. Here and now,” she murmured against his lips.
“I’m on board with that plan, mi siempre hermosa,” he said as he raised her sundress up only to find that she was wearing no panties. “What have we here?” he asked as his fingers found the soft skin below her ass. “Were you planning to seduce me tonight?”