Page 18 of Dad's Cop Friend
Keeping my eyes on him a few seconds longer I wait, and then peel back the top of the folder and scan the documents inside. "You've come to a conclusion?"
"Seems the judge and the chief have a history of working together, getting big businesses and the city off the hook when they probably shouldn't have been."
I nod. "I came to a similar conclusion, but not in regards to the judge. Didn't know anything about her."
"That's why I'm the cop."
"And I'm just the informant."
"You're a lot more than that," he says, his hand suddenly on my thigh. My back straightens and then arches as my mouth opens.
"How much more?"
"You want me to show you, or tell you?" he asks, his eyes becoming more hooded by the second.
Applying a bit of pressure with his fingers, a gentle squeeze but not too much, he takes ownership of me. "We work well as a team, you and me. Really well."
"I don't see myself going to the police academy anytime soon."
"Neither do I, but I do see you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen as we continue solving crimes together."
"What? Like who ate the cookies before dinner?"
"Exactly. And I'm not talking about either of us."
"Who then?"
"Our children."
His hand moves up my thigh and then over my hip and onto my belly. "You feel this here?"
I nod.
"I'm going to fill it with a baby, our baby. And together we're going to take over this town, clean it of corruption."
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" I ask.
He takes my hand and moves it on top of his trousers. "With this." He's already long and hard, his cock twitching underneath my touch.
"I meant the crime part."
Leaning in so his mouth is almost pressed against the shell of my ear he says quietly, his deep voice thick enough with need that I can hear him as if he were yelling, "The only crime is if you don't go upstairs to the room I rented and let me show you why you belong to me."
I fidget in my seat, realizing this is what I've wanted all these years. This is what I need to be whole. This is a man I admire, one that is helping me with the most important thing in my life...aside from me.
But I'm not that easy...or...experienced despite talking a big game.
"I want you to know something," I begin, taking my straw and swirling around the ice in my glass, the middle coming in like the waist of a woman and the top opening up like a perfect flower petal.
"Oh, believe me. I'm going to learn everything about you, and you're going to learn some things about yourself in the process."
"That's just it. I've got a lot to learn."
He cocks his head and adjusts himself in his chair before I continue.
"This drink here, I've had it before all right, but without the alcohol. I had it in form. Same as me."