Page 26 of Dad's Cop Friend
"What judge? I don't get it."
"Her name is....," he pauses, and my heart races in my chest. I try to calm myself but it's not working. A cool bead of sweat trickles down my spine. "I probably shouldn't tell you her name, but basically she throws cases out of court or my dad doctors the police reports or whatever he has to do. They work together so big companies and the city avoid huge lawsuits. And in return, they get a cut."
"So with the police chief and the judge in each other's pockets there's no way they can get caught. And if they do, they're the law so nothing's going to happen," I summarize and repeat back.
"Bingo," he says, throwing his back against the plush booth as his arms go wide and his palms turn up. He leans back in quickly. "So, see. This is in the bag. Big payday. We go down to the Bahamas, collect the cash, and have a lot of fun...sans swimsuit." He winks. "Bet you didn't know I speak Italian, did you?"
Somehow I manage to avoid rolling my eyes and also correcting him that 'sans' is a French word. Instead, I stay focused and say, "You never cease to amaze me."
"How about we get outta here?" he asks.
"How about you tell me exactly what the fuck you're doing here with my woman," a deep, angry voice demands as a hand comes down on Benjamin's shoulder.
In my excitement and concentration to get the information I need, I didn't even see Frank come into the Starbucks, which is really saying something because with his size and the way he looks he's impossible to miss.
"Ouch. You're hurting me," Benjamin says, as Frank squeezes tighter.
"Answer. The. Question."
"We're just having a coffee. Leave me alone."
"Don't see anything on your table, you little lying sack of shit. And I saw the way you were looking at her. You want a hell of a lot more than a cup o' Joe with her, Benjamin."
Benjamin's far shoulder, the one not being held in a Vice Grip, tucks as he slowly brings his ear to that shoulder as he looks up at a very pissed off Frank. "How do you know who I am?"
Frank smirks just as the sirens to two squad cars ring out, the cars pulling up to the Starbucks in a flurry as officers race out, guns drawn as they rush inside toward Frank.
"Let go of him, Frank," one officer says, with a shaky voice.
Frank does as the officer says, slowly raising his hands so they can be seen. Another officer rushes in and cuffs him.
He keeps his eyes on me and nods as he's carried off.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
I just smirk too. Prophetic words. As the world is about to find out.