Page 4 of Dad's Cop Friend
"What the hell do you mean she got away?" Police Chief Braxton says, pushing his chair away from his desk as he stands abruptly. "Officer Friday you're damn near six and a half feet tall, built like a brick shithouse, and can run three miles in under eighteen minutes. Some young punk hooligan girl broke free of your grasp, and got away?" He stabs his hips into his sides and waits for a response.
I shift my weight and clear my throat, but don't speak.
"I said, what the hell do you mean she got away?"
"She was fast, Chief. Damn fast," I reply, my voice low. "I think she had help, too."
"Help?" Braxton barks, moving around his desk and coming to stand directly in front of me, his hands planted on his hips. "From who?"
"I don't know, Chief. But there was somebody there, I'm sure of it."
"You're sure of it?"
I nod.
"All right, we'll go over the footage from the scene and see if we can spot the accomplice. But in the meantime, I want you to put out an APB on this girl. I want her found, and I want her brought in. Do you understand me, Officer?"
I nod a second time.
"Good. Now get the hell out of my office."
"Damn girl," I mumble to myself as I pivot on a heel and show myself out of Braxton's office. "What are you up to?"
Before I go I watch as he grabs a cigarette from the pack on his desk, lights it, and takes a long drag. He blows the smoke out, watching as it wafts up to the ceiling and out of the window above his desk.
He looks concerned, like there's something he's not telling me.
Flor is the most attractive woman I've ever laid eyes on, but I've got rules I've sworn to protect. And no matter how show-stoppingly beautiful, how legal, how innocent, or how tight she is, I can't be broken.
"Shit," I mutter. "Get it together Frank," I tell myself, intending to pay Flor and her dad a visit now that my shift has ended, but my phone rings.
"Frank," I growl.
"Hey man, it's just me,"
"Tommy, what's up?" I say to the Desk Sergeant.
"I got that footage you wanted from the scene. You're not going to believe who the accomplice was."
Moving quickly to where he's sitting, I give him a nod and then Tommy hits the play button. I watch as the screen flickers to life, showing the footage of the robbery at the jewelry store.
There's a man on the screen, masked and holding a gun. And next to him is Flor.
"Son of a bitch," I breathe.
"I know, right?"
"There were two people involved in the robbery," I say, more to myself than to Tommy.
"Looks that way, yeah."
I scrub a hand over my face, trying to make sense of it all. Flor was involved in a robbery. I already knew that, but am not about to give up her name or any information about her.
But why? What could she possibly have to gain from it?