Page 6 of Dad's Cop Friend
"Well then, I guess you don't mind if I flirt with the other officers then," she continues.
"Not so fast."
She smiles like the Cheshire cat, getting the response she was clearly after and one I don't want to give her, even though she can read me like an open book, knowing that I need her right as rain.
"Where's your dad?"
"Does it really matter when I'm here? What could you possibly need that I couldn't give you?"
"Jesus," I hear someone pop off, but when I scan the bullpen, wisely nobody says anything.
Her Lolita vibe is on full display again and I need to get her out of this place.
"He’s over there," she says pointing to the door. "He was paying the taxi. I came right in because I couldn't wait to see you. He'll be right in."
"No, we'll be leaving," I say, grabbing her by the arm and leading her toward the door.
"Hey, Frank," Larry says as I walk toward him. "Best if we do this somewhere else."
"Why? Somebody recognize me from our days working in the tri-state area?"
Frank's thrown me a freebie, so I grab it and run with it. "Not yet, but it's just safer if we go off-site."
"Sure. I get ya. But why are you practically dragging my daughter?"
I release my grasp but she just leaves her arm where it was. "It's okay. I don't mind. Kinda like it."
I shake my head and exhale hard. "Let's go you two."
"Anywhere but here."
As I push through the doors, I see that Flor is still standing behind us. "Let's go," I grit out, and she winds up and takes a big first step, practically a jump, causing her chest to heave and bounce...just like last time.
It takes all the discipline I have as an officer not to look, but it's not enough. I can't resist. But as she bounces past me I see Chief Braxton standing off in the distance, arms crossed across his chest as he stares at me.
As I lock eyes with him he pulls his head away, then quickly walks perpendicular to me bisecting a row of desks.
Something's up with that guy, and I'm going to find out.
But first I need to find out what's up with Flor, and potentially her father too.
I'm walking a high-wire act here, danger everywhere I look, which is why I have to keep focused on moving this case forward...because if someone recognizes Flor she's going to get busted, and there won't be a net to catch her, or me, if that happens.