Page 22 of Hostile Takeover (The Game 8)
He laughed. “Burgundy and bubblegum pink—oh yeah.”
He was so captivatingly beautiful when he smiled that I forgot what I was thinking. I liked the more comfortable look on him too, the chinos and fitted pullovers rather than a suit, and it made me curious to see him take it a step further. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d seen him in jeans. Did he own any?
Since meeting Tate and Kingsley, I’d started relaxing more with my wardrobe choices. My default outfit, a suit, was now in second place to slacks and sort of what Jack was wearing right now. Jeans were reserved for certain playtime with Kingsley and Tate—and when I took Lily to the playground.
The whole outfit thing might be insignificant to some, but for someone who’d lived the same day over and over for twenty-five years, it was big. It was part of my attempt to shake up my existence.
“You got a little whipped cream…” Jack leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth, and I felt the tip of his tongue flick against my skin. “All gone.”
I flushed with heat. “You’re toying with me.”
“That’s the point of playthings.” He rested his chin on my shoulder and brushed a finger over my lips. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed about using you, Uncle Franklin. To wake up next to you and just go with whatever fuckhole I want.”
I clenched my jaw at the onslaught of fantasies, and I dropped the rest of my waffle and blindly reached for a napkin.
“Is that how you want to be used? Like a come dumpster? Like a filthy piece of shit that just wants their holes filled over and over?”
Sweet fucking Jesus.
“Yes,” I whispered. “By the right person.”
If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess it was possessiveness that clouded his eyes, and it turned me on beyond belief. To think he’d want to own any part of me was simply…intoxicating.
Jack had read my fetish list. He knew about my urges to be used and humiliated. He knew I got off on being belittled and teased. He’d undoubtedly put two and two together about my interest in ageplay, and how I was Tate’s dirty fucktoy Daddy.
Fuck—the thought of those two topping me together. And possibly Kingsley topping them? I had to know.
“Are you only dominant?” I asked huskily.
He smirked and inched away, and he grabbed his coffee mug. “Always dominant, not always the Top. I like to bottom, and I have a not-so-rare itch to receive pain and take control from an underdog position.”
As in, fight his way to take charge? My God.
“I also love consensual revenge play.”
I cocked my head, instantly intrigued. “I’ve never heard of that.”
He smiled and finished his coffee. “For example, say you rapefuck your little boy in bed. Maybe in his sleep, even. He wakes up sore and soaked in Daddy’s come.”
“Fuck,” I breathed.
He slid a hand onto my thigh, higher up, till he cupped my cock and squeezed firmly.
I groaned and tried to kiss him, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Not so fast, Unc,” he chuckled quietly. “That boy will be understandably pissed.”
“Of course,” I rushed to say. “He’ll have to plan for his revenge. Daddy has to pay for what he did.”
Heavens, the possibilities.
“And he might accept help from a few friends,” he added.
“Oh my—Christ.” I swallowed hard and suddenly felt like I’d explode if I didn’t lose my clothes soon. I needed him in my bed. Or on the couch. Or on the fucking floor. I didn’t care. “I would do anything you asked for if it earned me your forgiveness.”
That caused a reaction for some reason. He definitely approved, judging by how he started rubbing me through my pants, and he grew curious too.
“Is that the goal? To be forgiven?”
“Of course,” I promised. “I don’t believe I’m…” How should I put this? It was difficult to think clearly when he was touching me so provocatively. “I’d make a horrible submissive. During play, I’m greedy and want too much at the same time. I love to let go of all my inhibitions and just listen to my needs. But at the end of the day, I still want to please my partner. I want him to approve of my actions. I want to make him happy and satisfy his every desire.”
He hummed and undid my belt. “Doesn’t sound like a horrible submissive to me. Or maybe I’m a horrible Dom in that case—because I want to set you up for failure and make you feel like a worthless object before I scrape you off the floor and call you a good Daddy.”
That was it. I couldn’t take a second longer of his torture. I pushed back my stool as I got on my feet, and I had to grip the edge of the island top to keep from mauling him like an animal.