Page 38 of Hostile Takeover (The Game 8)
Noa stood up on his little drum stool and cupped his hands around his mouth and went, “Awooooo!”
Like a wolf.
He was so incredibly cute.
The crowd went wild, and then the man with the Irish whistle started playing rapidly. In the background, Kingsley entered the stage, and I watched Noa grin widely and dip his black-coated drumsticks into a can of…whatever flammable agent they’d decided on.
The singer joined the whistler, his voice rough and perfect for folksy, Irish punk rock.
Then all eyes were on Noa. Kingsley extended a lit Zippo lighter, Noa’s drumsticks caught on fire, and he didn’t waste a second. He sat down and immediately began pounding on the drums.
I felt my mouth stretch into a wide smile. I’d never seen anything like it. Christ, the energy that just soared through the entire club was something else. At the same time, spotlights flashed brightly in various colors and traveled across the packed floor.
The first drumstick was extinguished halfway into the first chorus, presumably from the sheer speed of his playing. The second stick, he threw into the air, and he caught it before he dropped it into a bucket next to him, dousing the fire. Not a second went by before he had a new set of sticks and was pounding away again.
I was so impressed by the boy.
It may not be my music of preference, but their entire show kept my heart racing from start to finish.
I woke up mildly hungover the following morning, and Jack thought it was a good idea to hit the gym right away.
“It’s important to flush out the toxins, Daddy.” He pressed a kiss to my neck and ground his cock against my ass, the little tease, before he rolled off me and got out of bed.
“I would, but I don’t think you’d fit into the toilet,” I muttered.
He laughed. “That’s too funny to punish you for.” Then he slapped my ass. “Get that sexy ass out of bed right now. We’re leaving in ten.”
I groaned and buried my face in the pillow. “It’s Thanksgiving, Jackson. We can sleep in.”
“We can, but we won’t,” he replied firmly.
Fine. I couldn’t argue when he’d used that tone. But I was going to make my displeasure heard all the way to the treadmill.
Approximately twelve minutes later, we were out the door, and he decided to drop the next bomb. We were walking to the gym.
“You certainly woke up on the sadistic side of the bed,” I grumbled.
“It’s five minutes,” he said. “It takes longer to find parking.”
Yeah, but it was comfortable.
This weather wasn’t.
Christ, forty degrees. No sun. Harsh winds. According to my weather app, it was going to rain all day.
“You’re cute as fuck when you’re cranky,” he noted.
I managed a sleepy scowl and adjusted the strap to my gym bag over my shoulder. “I’ll remember this tomorrow morning when I have to brave the shopping hordes. I’m bringing you with me.”
He chuckled. “What’re you buying?”
“I want those wireless earbuds that you have.” And apparently I needed a new jacket. This one wasn’t protecting my neck from the cold. “In completely unrelated news, you were awfully chatty with Kingsley and Tate last night. Should I worry?”
“Yes,” was his blunt response. “I have to be honest, I’m kind of crushing on them. Tate is just…so fucking funny and sweet. And Kingsley’s mind—that’s the Dom I wanna be when I grow up. You have no idea how much we’re going to humiliate you.” He paused. “What I like the most about them, though, is that they’re protective of you. I respect that. I would be too.”
I didn’t know if the next shudder came from the wind or his declaration.
Funny how I felt much less cranky all of a sudden.
“It means the world to me that you three get along,” I admitted. “Just like I’m a secondary character in their story, they will be secondary in mine—but important, nonetheless.”
“We all need those characters, baby.”
I smiled and reached for his hand.
“By the way, I figured out the best revenge for the night you rapefucked me,” he said.
I dropped his hand again.
“Must we go there today? It’s Thanksgiving. Let’s be kind and sweet and thankful. The past is in the past. We should move on.”
He shook his head in amusement, and we crossed the street before we took a turn toward the next block, where we’d find the gym. And more traffic, sleepy as it was this morning.
“Tate and Kingsley invited me to an event called Senseless.”
I came to an abrupt stop right there on the sidewalk. They’d invited him to Senseless? Senseless was going to be painful. It was part of the community’s monthly Game, a themed event where kinksters could compete against one another, in groups, in couples, Tops against bottoms, Sadists against brats, and so on. Every month came with a new set of rules, a new theme, and a new way to torture innocent subs.