Page 102 of Justin's Bride
"Thank you for my roses," Megan said softly. "It was very sweet and thoughtful. How did you think to order them?"
"Wyatt mentioned his mother's roses to me once, and when I was walking back to the house, I saw the porch looked sort of bare. They're just roses, Megan." They didn'1 really mean anything. Except he was glad she was pleased with her gift.
He glared at the white building up ahead. Why did the meeting tonight have to be held in the church? He hated walking into Gene Estes's territory. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
"It's a beautiful night," Megan said, stopping and star- | ing at the sky.
"Beautiful," he echoed, watching the play of shadows on her features. She'd always been the loveliest woman he'd ever seen. He knew there were many who wouldn't agree
with him, but he didn't care about anyone else's opinion. She had always been his ideal. It was going to be hell to leave her. Even for a few days.
4 'With the weather fine like it is, I've been thinking of traveling around to some nearby towns," he told her.
Her gaze met his. "You're still concerned about Laurie's murder." It wasn't a question.
"I want to see if they've had any murders, or even beatings. Maybe I can figure out a pattern. That would help me find the killer."
"You still believe it wasn't a drifter?"
"Yes. One thing I learned while I was away is that life isn't that tidy. Bad people don't just come into a town, murder someone and leave. Most people are killed for a reason, and usually by someone they know."
"I'm glad you won't let this go," she said.
He drew his eyebrows together. "Why?"
She tucked her hand more firmly against the crook of his elbow and leaned her cheek against his arm. "It reminds me of the kind of man you are. I'm very proud of you, Justin."
He didn't know what to say to that, so he didn't say anything at all. They moved toward the church, joining other couples who had come to decide about hiring a teacher. As they approached the few steps leading up to the church, Megan came to a stop.
"You're worried about Gene and Colleen," he said.
She nodded. "They have two children, and this is his church. I know they're going to be there. It's just that I haven't seen Colleen since—"
Since the day before the wedding. Since Megan's evil sister had come into his office and tossed her lies around like rocks thrown with deadly accuracy.
"We don't have to go," he said softly.
"Yes, we do. I refuse to let her frighten me. Besides, I have to face them sometime."
He'd been doing his damnedest not to touch her. It hurt too much to be close to what he would never have. But she needed his touch tonight, and he'd never been able to deny Megan anything. He raised his hand and brushed a knuck-
les down her cheek. "I'll go beat up Gene for you, if you'd like."
His offer was rewarded with a trembling smile. "Somehow I think you might enjoy that a little too much."
"You're right."
She stared up at the building and straightened her shoulders. "Thank you, but no, I'll face them on my own. If they give me too much grief, I'll simply take back that organ I donated."
He grinned. "I'll help."
They entered the church and found most of the townspeople already in place. Justin was grateful that the only seats still available were at the back. Gene was going to be running the meeting, because he controlled the church. Justin knew if he had to sit up front and stare at the man, he would be forced to violence. He didn't think the good citizens of Landing would take kindly to their sheriff and minister brawling by the pulpit.
They slid into one of the pews. Justin tried to get comfortable, but the benches didn't have backs. He shifted a couple of times, then resigned himself to a long, boring evening and a stiff back, come morning.
Gene walked to the front of the church and cleared his throat. "I appreciate all of you attending tonight. As you know, we're here to decide what we're going to do about educating our children." As he droned on, his snakelike gaze slipped over the assembled group. When his eyes met Justin's, he faltered for a moment, before going on.
Justin smiled. It was an insignificant victory over a man he would easily best in any competition. He shouldn't care that his presence upset Gene Estes, but he was damn pleased, anyway.