Page 124 of Justin's Bride
"Shut up," Megan said, stepping forward. She could feel everyone staring at her, judging her for defending her husband. A flicker of fear licked up her spine, but she ignored it. She trusted him. She'd always trusted him. She was finally ready to prove it to the world. "Justin knows what he's doing. I believe him. He's good and decent and honorable. He cares about this town more than anyone has in a long time."
Justin turned to face her. He raised one eyebrow. Before she could respond, Colleen moved between them.
"He's cast a spell on you, Megan. Don't listen to him." Her sister's pale eyes widened. "If you care for your immortal soul, you must turn your back on him."
Megan stared at the woman she'd grown up with. They'd been strangers for so long it was hard to remember when they'd ever been friends. She shook her head. "No. I love him and I believe him. Now, get out of my way."
She waited, but Colleen didn't move. Slowly, so no one could mistake her purpose, she stepped around her sister and moved to her husband's side. Justin stared down at her, then back over his shoulder.
"If I'm wrong about this," he told her, "you're in a hell Of a lot of trouble."
She smiled briefly. "It doesn't matter, as long as we're together."
"Very touching/' Gene said, "but hardly relevant to the arrest. I'm warning you, Sheriff, the crowd in the back of my church is about to become difficult.''
Justin ignored him. "You know what you're risking?" he asked her.
She nodded. "Absolutely nothing. You're the only one who matters to me. I love you."
He grimaced and she thought she'd lost him forever, but then a fire flared in his dark eyes and his hand brushed against hers. "Hell of a way to convince me."
He believed her! She smiled up at him. "It was the best I could come up with, under the circumstances."
"You think on your feet."
"Thank you."
Justin turned back to Gene. "Ellen Morgan's sister also works for a saloon. She saw you two together several times."
Some of the minister's bravado slipped. "She's obviously lying. Who would believe her wora over mine?"
"Seven years ago, you tried to kill Laurie Smith, but failed. Earlier this year, she came to you wanting you to make good on your promises of running away with her. You couldn't, of course. What would people think? So you beat her up again and this time you killed her."
A low moan filled the church. Megan glanced at her sister. Colleen was clutching her midsection. "No," she cried. "No!"
"Last night, vou tried to kidnap Bonnie because you'd found out I'd left Landing for a few days. You had to get rid of her because she was your only link to Laurie.''
"That's preposterous," Gene said, then swallowed hard. "Why would I care about some whore's castoff?"
"Because you're her father."
Colleen gasped and fell to the ground. Megan stared at her. Wyatt moved toward her. "Don't bother,' Megan said. "She didn't really faint."
The deputy hesitated. Behind them, the crowd murmured in confusion. Colleen sat up.
"How dare you. How dare you!" she screamed.
Megan was prepared to defend her husband against her sister's rage, but then she saw her sister was pointing at Gene.
"A whore? You bedded a whore?"
Gene stared at her. "Shut up, woman. They're all lies. lies, do you hear me?"
But he'd started sweating. Beads of perspiration rolled down his face. He trembled and his smile wasn't quite as broad.
"You have no proof," he said, his voice shaking. "None at all."
"What about this?" Justin asked, and stepped forward. He gripped Gene's shirt at the collar and jerked it down. Everyone gasped. Several welts had been raised on his pale skin. Megan felt sick to her stomach. She'd beaten a man last night with a poker and today her brother-in-law was bruised.
Gene raised his head and glared at her. His eyes. Those same eyes had met hers last night. They'd been as filled with hatred as they were now. It was him. Oh, how was that possible?
"They were all whores!" Gene screamed. "They were evil and they had to be punished. When I could resist them and
F reach to them, then I let them live, but if they tempted me, sent them to hell where they deserved to spend all eternity. | I'm right! I have done nothing wrong!"