Page 44 of Justin's Bride
Her self-congratulations were lost to mindlessness when he probed at her mouth. She parted her lips in anticipation. But instead of plunging inside as she expected, he drew her lower lip into his mouth and tenderly sucked on the sensitive skin. He nibbled the curve, then licked it thoroughly. He swirled his tongue around her mouth, dampening her, making her breathing more difficult. She clung to him as her legs trembled.
He moved his hands from her face to her shoulders, then down her back to her derriere. Through the layers of her petticoat, she felt him cup her curves. When he pulled her closer to him, she arched against him. Once, years before, when they'd been kissing on the bank of the stream, her hand had strayed between them. As his tongue had danced in her mouth leaving her hot and breathless, he'd pressed her palm against a hardness. She'd known only the most rudimentary facts about men and women. The strangeness of it all had both frightened and excited her. Before she could explore him or ask questions, he'd drawn her fingers away to the safety of his chest.
Now, as he moved his narrow hips against her, she cursed the layers of clothing that prevented her from feeling that mysterious part of him.
His hands slipped up to her waist. Her breathing increased. She liked the feel of his body so close, the touch of his fingers. But she wanted more. He continued to tease her, circling her mouth, nibbling at the corners, but not really kissing her. Not the way she wanted him to.
She sensed he was holding back, but didn't know why. Frustration made her bold. She drew away from his assault.
"Justin." Her voice was low and shaky, as if passion robbed her of the ability to speak.
Dark brown eyes met her own. She saw the fire and understood the source of those flames. She felt them, as well. They flickered along her body igniting fires in her breasts and, embarrassingly enough, between her legs. They left her hot and hungry for something she didn't understand.
"Kiss me," she whispered.
"I am." He smiled slightly, exposing that surprising dimple in his left cheek.
"No, you're not. You're playing."
The smile faded and his face took on a knowing expression. "You've grown impatient in my absence."
She couldn't admit to that, but she could taunt him as he taunted her. Her arms were wrapped around his waist. She lowered them slightly until her hands rested above his der-riere. Slowly, all the while telling herself she was wicked and would probably burn in hell, she slipped her hands down his dark trousers until her fingers encountered the first hint of his male curves.
Their eyes locked together. The fire in his gaze blazed hotter. His square jaw tightened.
Lower and lower until her palms embraced him and the tips of her fingers rested just above the backs of his legs. She felt a heated blush on her face. She told herself she didn't care, then realized Justin was right. She was a lousy liar. But she wasn't going to stop now. Not with him looking at her as if he was drawn so tightly together he was about to explode into a hundred pieces. Besides, it felt good to be touching him. She'd always liked how he felt next to her. She liked the contrasts between them, the way he smelled, and how he looked at her.
She squeezed gently. He drew in a sharp breath. The hands at her waist tightened. She squeezed again and this time tilted his hips toward hers. The bonfire between them erupted and sparks landed everywhere singeing her skin.
"Damn you." He said the words as if they were the most tender caress, then he bent over her and claimed her mouth.
There was nothing tentative, nothing teasing this time. His tongue plunged inside of her, seeking her secrets, demanding a response. He gripped her firmly, holding her in place.
Her heart pounded harder and harder. She met his intimate kisses, mirroring his sweeping actions, clinging to him as her world faded away, leaving nothing but the man and the sensations he created. Her trembling increased.
He drew back slightly and kissed her jaw, then her neck. She arched her head. The moist heat from his mouth made her tingle. She couldn't catch her breath.
The whisper of cool air on her chest surprised her. Then she felt his fingers on her bare skin and kiiew he'd unfastened her bodice. Shock froze her in place. She should protest this liberty, she told herself. His knuckle brushed the side of her breast. She jumped.