Page 52 of Justin's Bride
Megan looked at him and shrugged. "She means well."
"I don't mind."
"I'm surprised."
"Why? Mrs. Dobson thinks I'm handsome as sin."
Megan ducked her head as she chuckled.
By the time everyone had been seated and served, Justin was growing more comfortable with the crowd. He was aware of the stares sent their way, but no one had said anything bad to Bonnie. The little girl sat next to Mrs. Dobson and ate from her own plate, all the while prattling on about secrets her doll told her.
"If you're here having fun, Justin, who's on duty?" Megan asked, pouring him a tin cup of lemonade.
"Wyatt said he'd keep an eye on things, but everyone in town has come to the social so if there's going to be trouble, I'll be in the middle of it."
"You usually are." She made the statement casually, as if stating a fact. He had to agree she was right. He always had been in the middle of trouble.
She sat up against a tree, most of her weight resting on one hip, with her legs bent under her. The pink dress brought out the color in her face, and again and again he found his attention wandering to her mouth.
"What are you staring at?" she asked quietly enough so that neither Mrs. Dobson nor Bonnie could hear.
"You. You look lovely today." He cleared his throat. "Your dress is pretty," he said a little louder.
"She's got a prettier one," Bonnie said, raising herself on her knees. "It's white with flowers here." She motioned to the top of her chest. "And there's ribbons down the back with a big bow."
Mrs. Dobson picked up a chicken leg and waved it in the air. "It sounds wonderful, Megan. Why didn't you wear that one?''
"It's not appropriate," she answered, then turned to Bonnie. "You weren't supposed to say anything about that dress."
"Oh." Bonnie covered her mouth with her hand. "I forgot."
Justin stretched out on the blanket at Megan's feet and rested his head on his hand. "What is it appropriate for?"
Megan glared at him and took a bite of potato salad.
He watched her, knowing this must be another of her guilty secrets. His gaze flickered to her bodice and he wondered what she wore underneath. Satin and lace? Perhaps silk whispering against her creamy skin. Instantly, his blood heated and he pulled at the collar of his shirt. He forced his mind to consider less appealing questions. It wouldn't do for anyone to notice his physical reaction to Megan's closeness. There would be a scandal the likes of which this town had never seen.
"What's so special about this dress?" he asked.
She set her fork down. "Nothing. It's fancy, that's all. Not something I would wear to an outdoor social."
A small bird fluttered low and captured Bonnie's atten-
Ition. The girl squealed and pointed. Mrs. Dobson stared at
i the tiny winged creature, then leaned closer to tell Bonnie
[what kind of bird it was. Justin took advantage of their
momentary distraction. He raised his eyebrows.
"Another secret then?"
Megan surprised him by smiling. "One of many, I'm afraid."
"Don't apologize. Your secrets are intriguing."
"Are they?"
There was something odd about the light in her eyes. Something that made him want to pull her close and kiss her. Or hold her at arm's length and force her to tell him what she was thinking. In the seven years he'd been gone, Megan had changed. The shy young woman he'd given his heart to had grown up. She was still too easily swayed by the
concerns of others, but she'd managed to rebel enough to wear French lace.
His good humor fled as he reminded himself French lace wasn't enough. He sat up slowly. Passionate kisses and soft female curves wouldn't be enough to allow him to forget the past.
"Justin, did you see the bird? Mrs. Dobson says I can take some bread to the woods and leave it for him to eat!" Bonnie bounced on her knees and clasped her hands together as if she'd been given the most wonderful gift. Her blue eyes glowed with happiness.
He reached out his hand and tweaked her nose. "I'm sure the bird will enjoy his meal."
Bonnie threw herself into his arms. "I like church, and I like socials more!"
Small hands held on to his coat. Her face burrowed into his chest. He could feel the two women watching him, but he didn't look up. He just held Bonnie close and stroked her hair.