Page 61 of Justin's Bride
She pulled off her shawl and dropped it onto the seat, then slipped her reticule off her wrist and placed it on the shawl. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her breathing came in rapid pants. Her anger energized her and frightened her in equal measures.
Justin rose to his feet and came around the desk. He leaned one hip on the corner of it and folded his arms over his chest. "You look mad enough to spit."
"I never spit. But you're right. I could today." She drew in a deep breath and faced him. "I've been visiting Colleen."
"That's enough to put anyone in a bad mood." A faint smile pulled at his firm mouth. It tempted her to let go of her temper, but she couldn't. The problem was too serious, and far too dangerous.
"Don't try to tease me," she said quietly. "She wasn't alone. Several women were having a meeting."
"I don't care."
"You should."
"Because they want to fire me?" At her start of surprise, he shrugged. "I'm not stupid, Megan. Of course Colleen and her friends want to get rid of me. I'm making them uncomfortable. However, I haven't done anything illegal. They can't hurt me."
"You're wrong." She stepped closer to him. Dark hair tumbled down his forehead and in the back to the middle of his collar. He needed a haircut. "They're saying ugly things. Rumors, really, but they could be damaging. They're saying that Bonnie sleeps with you."
He clenched his jaw and narrowed his gaze. "Who said that?"
"That's not important. Mrs. Dobson said it wasn't true, and of course the hotel staff can confirm it. Colleen also hinted—" Megan stopped midsentence and swallowed. She didn't want to say it. She was afraid of the truth. No, she was jealous of the past, of what he'd done with Laurie Smith. She lowered her gaze to her hands and noticed that she was twisting her fingers together. She tried to stop, but couldn't.
"Megan?" Justin touched her upper arm. "What did Colleen say that upset you?"
"She said Bonnie was your child. That's the reason you're taking such an interest in her."
She kept her gaze centered on his chest, at the place where his black vest met his white shirt. She watched the slow rise and fall as he breathed in and out. She waited for him to say the words that would destroy her forever.
He swore.
Megan jerked her head up. Her eyes widened in shock. Justin glared at her. "I won't apologize for saying the word. Your sister is a conniving, lying... Damn her." He flushed
under his tan. "I never thought much of Colleen, and now I think even less/'
Megan turned away. Her heart continued to pound hard in her chest, but now it felt heavier. He hadn't denied it. He was angry that Colleen had guessed the truth. She blinked several times before realizing she was fighting tears.
"I understand."
"I don't think you do." She heard his footsteps on the wooden floor, then felt his hands on her shoulders. "You believe her, don't you?"
"I don't know what to think. Laurie said she could recognize you in the dark, and you said you'd.. .done that with her." She bit hard on her lower lip. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't. She'd given up tears long ago.
"You think so little of me. No wonder you didn't come away with me when I asked."
She closed her eyes. She could feel him standing behind her, but she refused to turn around. She didn't want him to see the pain in her face; she didn't want him to know how much she still cared. Had she ever stopped caring? Her affections had changed over the years, mostly because she'd changed, but they'd never died. There had only ever been Justin in her life.
"Yes, I visited Laurie on occasion. Yes, I did 'those' things with her. But not after you agreed to marry me."
She spun around and her hands came to rest on his chest. She stared up at him, at his deep brown eyes. The stranger was gone. This was the Justin she remembered, the young man she'd been in love with.
"We were engaged for several months," she said.
He nodded. "If Laurie had been pregnant with my child, it would have been obvious at the time of the attack." He smiled. "Can you imagine how fast that sort of news would have traveled in this town?"
"Like a fall wildfire." She felt her mouth tugging up at the corners. "Thank you for telling me that. You didn't have to. It—" she ducked her head in embarrassment "—it means a lot to me.''