Page 73 of Justin's Bride
"Whore," Gene said.
"Daughter of Satan. You've tempted me from the path of righteousness." He glared at her, his eyes wide, his mouth moist and disgusting. "I will call you out."
"What does that mean?"
"Sunday morning I'll denounce you as the sinner you are. I'll expose your seductive evilness before the townspeople, and they will all turn their backs on you."
"That doesn't make any sense. You're the one who started touching me."
"Your body is a temptation. Your hair." Before she could move away, he snaked out his arm and grasped her bun in his hand. He jerked hard, making her yelp in pain. Several
strands fell free, over her chest. He moved closer and reached for them.
"No!" She twisted the door handle and dived into the hallway. Gene followed.
"Colleen was right. She told me she found you in the arms of that man. I didn't believe her, but you're the liar, not her. I will expose your secrets to the world, Megan Bartlett." He placed his hat on his head and started toward the back door.
"I haven't done anything," Megan called after him.
He turned toward her. "Your soul is black with sin."
"You don't know that. You don't know me at all. None of you do." She motioned with her arm. "This entire town thinks it knows me, but you're all wrong. You want to denounce my sin. Fine. But before Sunday, I swear I'm going to give you something worth denouncing. You'd better hurry home, Gene. If you thought Colleen was upset today, wait until she finds out what I'm going to do next."
He glared at her. "May God have mercy on your soul."
"And on yours," she called. She balled up her fists, wanting to do something physical, but not knowing what.
She spun toward the sound and saw Mrs. Dobson standing in the store, holding the curtain to one side.
"I couldn't help overhearing part of your conversation with Mr. Estes. Is there a problem?"
"No," Megan said automatically. "Yes," she amended. "There's a big problem. Gene thinks I'm a daughter of Satan." She stared after her brother-in-law. "The worst of it is, I've never done one really bad thing in my whole life. I've been slightly wicked from time to time, but that's all."
Mrs. Dobson stepped into the hallway and let the curtain fall behind her. "What happened? What did he do to you? Your hair is all loose."
Megan laughed. There was a slightly hysterical edge to the sound. She closed her lips tightly and covered them with her fingertips.
"Oh, Megan." The older woman moved closer and held out her arms. "Hush, child. You'll be fine."
Megan let herself be folded into Mrs. Dobson's embrace and pulled against the widow's ample bosom. She started shaking and knew the tears weren't far behind.
"I think he wanted to kiss me," she said, her voice shaking. "He said he understood that a woman like me has needs. It was awful."
"I've never liked that man."
"Me, neither. But he and Colleen are the only family I have. I don't think either of them is ever going to speak to me again."
Mrs. Dobson patted her back. "That isn't such an awful thing."
"I know. Except Gene is going to tell the entire town I tempted him. I'll be ruined.'.' She drew back and looked at the other woman. "I wouldn't mind so much if I'd done something bad. At least then there would be a reason."
"You've always been a good girl." Mrs. Dobson smoothed Megan's hair off her face.
Megan squeezed her tight, then stepped back. "Why do I care so much what other people think?"
"Because that's a sensible attitude."
But was it? Megan wasn't so sure anymore. She was about to get into trouble and Gene was the one who had made advances at her. At his own wife's sister. It was appalling. She could try telling the truth, but who would believe her? Mrs. Dobson did already. Justin would. But what other citizen would take her word over the preacher's? Sunday morning he would call her a sinner before the entire congregation and there was nothing she could do to stop him.
"I'm ruined."
"Hardly that. You'll put this behind you. In time—"
"No. I don't want to wait. It's not fair. It's never been fair. I'm tired of being judged by other people's standards and rules. I'm tired of being the one who always has to bend."