Page 91 of Justin's Bride
He'd known the first minute she'd walked into the hotel that she'd been hell-bent on destroying her reputation. If he'd walked out of the lobby and gone back to his office, she would have been left without a plan. Given a few hours to think things over, she would have come to her senses. But he hadn't given her the time to reconsider. He'd been so damn pleased to see her, so caught up in the thought that he might be able to kiss her again and hold her that he'd only thought of himself and what he wanted. This was his fault and he had to make it up to her. Not just because her reputation had been destroyed but because he'd only ever loved Megan. Seven years hadn't changed that fact. A hundred lifetimes wouldn't made a difference.
He cupped her face in his hands. Using his thumbs to wipe away the tears, he smiled at her. "I can make it right," he said.
Her eyes got wider. "How?"
"Just get dressed."
His statement reminded her of her nudity. He saw it in the sudden blush that swept up her cheeks. "Justin, what are you going to do?"
"It's what you're going to do."
"Which is what?"
"Marry me."
The church was unfamiliar, as was the minister. Megan stood in front of the altar in her Worth gown trying to keep her legs from shaking.
She was getting married. Even as the familiar words of the ceremony washed over her, she felt as if she were caught up in some madness and in a few minutes she would find out none of this was real.
Except Justin's hand felt real as he held hers. Behind her, Mrs. Dobson sat with Bonnie. She could hear the child's excited questions, then her whispered conversation with her precious doll. Everything had moved so quickly. One minute he'd announced they were getting married and the next they were dressed and walking toward the livery stable where Justin had spent five dollars to rent a buggy for the day. She'd protested the expense, saying a wagon was good enough, but he hadn't listened. From the livery stable, they'd driven to Mrs. Dobson's house where they'd picked up the widow and Bonnie. By mutual agreement, they'd left Landing. Neither of them wanted to be married by Gene.
"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked.
Megan looked up at Justin. He wore his black coat over a clean white shirt with a string tie. Dark eyes met hers unflinchingly. "Only if you're sure," he said quietly, ignoring the minster's raised eyebrows at the interruption.
Only if she was sure. He still wondered, she realized, matching the emotions flicker across his face. He still wondered if she was ashamed of him.
The pain in her chest was so sharp, she almost cried out. It wasn't fair that this proud man would be so afraid of what she might think of mm. She wanted to blurt out that she
cared for him, but was caring enough? She'd done wicked things to Justin and he hadn't forgiven her yet. He might never forgive her. But he'd been willing to marry her, to save her good name. He'd protected her from her own foolishness. He'd offered her his name. And still he wondered if it was enough.
"I'm proud to marry you," she said, then glanced at th minister. "I do."
Justin repeated the vows. His voice was low and strong as if saying the words didn't trouble him at all. With a bolt of self-realization, she knew she didn't deserve him now, and she certainly hadn't seven years before. She'd been a fool and a weakling. Closing her eyes briefly, she prayed for the strength to make it right.
The minister closed his prayer book. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
She raised her head slightly and prepared herself for the impact of his touch. His lips brushed briefly across hers, making her yearn for more, then he pulled back and looked at her oddly.
"We're married," he said.
"I know." Her smile felt shaky. When he held out his arm, she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and allowed him to lead her down the two stairs to the first pew, where Mrs. Dobson sat sniffing into a handkerchief.
**That was so beautiful," the older woman said and wiped her nose. "I've always loved weddings. Megan, that dress might not be a traditional gown, but I doubt any bride has looked more lovely."
Megan glanced at the Worth gown and shrugged. "At least it's special. I'll remember this day if I ever wear the gown again."