Page 96 of Justin's Bride
She caught her breath. "How dare you?"
"How dare I? Madam, you have disgraced this family more than once. I have often considered you a specific test from our Lord and have borne your wildness gladly. But this time—" he motioned toward her chest "—you have gone too far."
Megan opened her mouth to answer him, but she couldn't think of any words. He dared to accuse her of going too far when just yesterday he'd been in her store talking about
ministering to her needs? "I've done nothing wrong," she said at last.
"Oh, Megan, don't add lying to your list of sins." He shook his head slowly. "Are you denying you spent the night with that man? In his hotel room?"
Megan reached behind her and grabbed the edge of the counter. She could feel the flush spreading up her face. No, she couldn't deny that. "I'm a married woman."
Gene's gaze narrowed. "You married Kincaid? That no-account bastard?"
"Don't you say that about my husband. Like it or not, Gene, he's your new brother-in-law. I suggest you get used to the fact."
"Never." Gene moved closer. Before she could back away, he grabbed her arm. "You're a stranger to me, Megan. To your sister, as well. Her shame is so great, she couldn't rise from her bed this morning."
7/7 had to be intimate with Gene every night, I wouldn't want to face a new day, either, Megan thought spitefully. She tried to pull herself free of him, but his grip was surprisingly strong. She glared at him. "I don't care about Colleen and her shame. She's threatened me for the last time. I won't be cowed anymore, Gene. Not by her, or by you. I have my own life, and it now includes a husband and a child."
"Child?" His eyes bulged with the word. "A child? You plan to house that spawn of Satan under this roof? I won't allow it."
Megan jerked her arm free, then rubbed the red marks he'd left. Tomorrow she would carry a bruise. "May I remind you, sir, this is not your house? It's mine."
He drew himself up to his full height and glared down at her. "May I remind you, madam, that I am a man of God. The Lord is on my side."
"I don't think so, Gene. Not this time."
She was starting to shake, but it was from anger, not fear. The words came easily to her and she was pleased to realize that she meant them. She wasn't afraid of him anymore. She wondered why she had ever been.
"Justin is my husband," she said, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "Bonnie is as much my child as if I had bome her myself. I expect them both to be treated with respect and courtesy. If you won't accept that, then you are no family
He reached his hand up toward her. She stood her ground, sure he wouldn't hit her. He didn't. He placed his hand over her throat. Not pressing hard, just holding his fingers against her skin. She shuddered, but didn't move back. There was something odd about his expression. Something feral. But she couldn't believe he would really hurt her.
"Don't you dare defy me. I'll destroy you," he threatened.
She swallowed, ignoring the first tendril of fear that coiled through her belly. "Now you sound like Colleen."
The fingers around her throat tightened. Without thinking, she grabbed his wrist with both hands and pulled hard. His fingers jerked free.
"Don't ever do that again," she said, the rage giving her strength and courage.
"I will do as I please, Megan," Gene said. He glanced at the deep vee of her bodice and smiled lasciviously. "Who will tell me otherwise? I will order the members of my congregation to boycott your store. I will brand you as a whore, as a lover of a whore's bastard."
His voice didn't change from its low monotone. A shiver rippled down her spine. Raising her chin slightly, she stared at him. "Do what you must. I'm not afraid. I have the only general store in Landing. Some will stay away because of you, but most won't. I've always been honest in my dealings with the people of this town, and I'm fair with my prices. You can rant at me all you want, but that doesn't change the truth."
"The truth?" Gene leaned closer. "The truth is you bedded that bastard."
"After you offered to take care of my needs yourself, you hypocrite," she retorted hotly. "You're married to my sister. Don't speak to me of sinning in the eyes of God."