Page 9 of Tantalizing Tales
Chapter Three
The lights were off and darkness had fallen by the time Ivy was done with her shower. She wrapped a towel around herself and headed through the bedroom toward the living room, guided by the light of the full moon shining through the windows. Jake was standing at the large window in the living room, staring out at the city lights below. She halted at the threshold. He was naked, not a bit shy about the thought of anyone seeing him.
The dimness of the room didn’t disguise his magnificent form. He raised his arm and brought a drink to his lips. Ivy could sense his mind was a thousand miles away. Is he thinking about us and how good it used to be? They’d had something special once, had even talked about a future together. Until Rick, in his intense hatred of Jake, had created a situation that had ruined it all.
She could understand Jake’s reaction to walking in on them. She’d never forget the disbelief and hurt in his accusing eyes as his gaze met hers. It couldn’t have been any more painful if he’d torn her heart out. But then, when his gaze turned to his brother and dawning of who he was sank in, the anger and hate spreading across his features was almost tangible. It had terrified her.
Thinking back now, Ivy realized the control Jake must have exerted. She couldn’t recall how many seconds, minutes, had gone by as he’d stood there, damning her with his eyes. Before he and Rick exchanged words and her vows of innocence had gone unheard. Then Jake had walked out and Ivy hadn’t seen him again until today.
Her gaze moved over his profile. He worked in the family logging business and many times found himself in one of their camps, troubleshooting, and working alongside the crew. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty—one reason he was so rugged and hard. He was a hands-on man. In work and play. And Ivy loved him to the depths of her being.
Acknowledging that hardened her resolve to talk to him before the weekend ran out. She had to make him understand what really happened between her and Rick that day. She had to at least try. And if he crushed her heart this time, she would make it clear she didn’t want to see him again. Moving on would be the only way to survive the hurt.
She walked quietly to where he stood. Something alerted Jake she was there, because he turned to her. Their gazes met under the glow of the moon before he looked her up and down. Ivy watched the corner of his mouth curve up.
“A towel? The old Ivy would have walked out here proudly, stark naked.”
Ivy was glad for the cover of semidarkness as heat traveled up to her cheeks. “That was before, Jake. Things are different between us now.”
He released a deep breath and swung away. “That reminds me.” He reached for something on top of the glass coffee table. Picking it up, he turned back to Ivy. “Here.”
She stepped forward and took the paper from him, then turned on the lamp on the sofa table. It didn’t take Ivy long to realize the document was a contract of some kind, stating that Wally was off the hook for any monies he owed Remington Lumber. She was thankful it didn’t say how the money was paid back.
“I guess this makes me officially a prostitute now.” Ivy’s gaze met Jake’s. “Does this mean I can go home now?” God, she hoped not. She all but held her breath, waiting for his answer.
“Hell no, honey.” Jake turned and walked to the kitchen. “The weekend has just begun,” he said over his shoulder. “Hungry?”
“You know I am.”
A chuckle escaped him. “Yeah, I remember what having sex does to you.”
Ivy smiled, following him to the kitchen. “Something smells good.” She sat on a stool before one of the two place settings on the bar.
“Nothing fancy, but it will satisfy you.” Jake turned with a frying pan in his hand. “Until the next time we fuck.”
The gleam of arousal in his eyes told Ivy the next time wasn’t far away. The thought of their next hot episode turned her warm inside. Trying not to be obvious, she let her gaze roam over his muscled chest, hard nipples, sculpted abs and defined biceps. Her body responded immediately. She should be totally satiated but making love with Jake had only made her hungrier for more. Perhaps knowing they only had the weekend heightened her desire for him.
I can’t believe I want him again so soon.
“Lose the towel.”
Ivy’s eyes widened with surprise. “What?”
“You heard me. If I’m going to stand here feeding your eyes, then turnabout is fair play.”
“Maybe you should put something on, then.”
He shook his head slowly. The hungry look in his eyes captivated Ivy. “I have a serious itch for you, Ivy. This weekend is going to have to last me a long time and will be played by my rules.”
She caught her breath. What does he mean it would have to last a long time? Does he still have feelings for me? Maybe she should tell Jake how she felt. Lay her cards out on the table and hope…pray for the best. She watched him scoop an omelet onto each plate before placing the pan into the sink. He didn’t turn back to her as she expected, but instead walked around the island toward her.
She automatically swiveled his way. Before he had a chance to reach for her towel, if he was going to, Ivy’s hands went to where it was tucked between her breasts. He paused, watching her. Slowly she stood, undid the folds and slower still she opened the towel and let it slide from her body to the floor. Jake’s eyes flared with a satisfied flicker. Then his gaze rose to meet hers.
Before she had time to guess his intentions he reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist, jerking her against him. Ivy caught her breath and then lost it in a kiss so sweet and tender that it brought tears to her eyes. As his firm lips moved coaxingly over hers, their tongues engaged in a slow and loving exploration of each other’s mouths. Her pulse raced with emotion and her nipples tingled with arousal. His other hand came up and threaded through her damp hair, holding her with gentle ease.
Tears slipped from her eyes. This was how Jake had always kissed her when he was telling her without words that he loved her. When he knew he could trust that she would always be there. A man of little words when it came to love, he expressed his feelings with his actions. And Ivy knew, even if he didn’t, what he was revealing at that exact moment. Her heart ached with the knowledge that his pride might be stronger than his love for her.