Page 15 of Trust and Obey
I frowned down at the table. “You set it for one.”
Kendall stopped straightening the already pristine magazines on the glass coffee table. “Were you expecting company?”
“Ah, no.” Why exactly had I expected him to eat a meal with me as he had before? I quickly pulled out my seat and sat to cover my embarrassment—and a bit of disappointment.
I ate quickly, barely tasting anything. All my attention was on Kendall as he went outside to attend to the furniture around the pool, light the candles for ambiance, and dust around the barbecue.
When he came back in, I blurted the first thing that came to mind. “I hope that I didn’t get you into trouble with your boss earlier, by dismissing you like that.”
Again, Kendall glanced at me. His eyebrows drew together. I had the bad feeling that he was trying to figure out why I was reaching out to him… and I couldn’t exactly say why, myself. Hadn’t I just decided to figure out my sexuality crisis after the divorce?
But there was something about Kendall that drew me in like a moth to a flame. Deep down inside, I suspected that I wouldn’t find another man back in the states so attractive.
What did that say about me?
“No,” Kendall replied, and I had to backtrack to realize he was answering my question. “All of us are here for our guests’ needs, and some people prefer solitude.”
His response was both neutral and note perfect. All the warmth from before was gone.
“Ah, well in that case…” I mentally scrambled, and my eyes lit briefly on the stack of magazines. There were people clad in heavy backpacks on the cover in front. Bingo.
“In that case,” I repeated, “will you be available to take me hiking tomorrow? I remember you telling me there were some hiking trails. That falls under your job description, right?”
Kendall cocked his head. “It does, and yes, I can. Do you have a preference for difficulty? We have easy trails for beginners, and intermediate for the more experienced.” He paused, considering. A little of the warmth returned to color his voice. “But I’m guessing you would be interested in our advanced hikes. The terrain is more difficult, but the rewards are greater.”
A smile curled my lips. “I am all about the rewards.”
“You might regret that, mister. You’re going to be sore by the end of the day.”
“Good thing you’re a masseuse, then.”
Kendall chuckled. “Point to you. In that case, I should leave now and get ready. The resort supplies all equipment, but I’ll want to pack before all the good stuff is taken.”
I nodded, a little disappointed to have an empty evening stretching out in front of me. Then again, I would have tomorrow morning to look forward to. “What time should we set out?”
“Early, but not early-early. Eight o’clock? I’ll set up a wake-up alarm on your tablet. Make sure to put your order for breakfast in before you go to sleep tonight. I’ll bring it by.”
“Sounds good.”
This earned the most genuine smile I’d seen from him all night. “Then I’ll see you in the morning.”
He crossed the room.
“Goodnight,” I said, without thinking.
Kendall paused at the door and threw a quick glance over his shoulder. “Goodnight, Deacon,” he replied. The door closed behind him.
Despite not getting to bed until an ungodly hour thanks to packing for the last-minute hike, I woke up without the need for an alarm. I rolled out of bed easily with a sense of enthusiasm.
Or maybe it was for one particular guest.
I tried not to analyze Deacon’s odd behavior. The man had clearly come to the resort to escape from the stress of his life on the mainland, and maybe he was processing it. Whatever. I wasn’t actually a therapist, I just dabbled as one during my massages.
I had seen lots of weird and crazy guests over the years, and none of them had been this hot.