Page 9 of Trust and Obey
I’d had plenty of massages before, and I didn’t much care if they were from a man or a woman. And yes, I was human, and my erection sometimes had a mind of its own. But it had never been this persistent.
Kendall’s hands on my back had brought on an immediate response. It had been like lightning zips of pleasure wherever he had touched. And when he had dug in, it had been everything I could do to keep from moaning aloud.
I tried to relax, to be a proper client—the last thing I wanted to do was to make him uncomfortable. But the thought of him leaning over me, digging his fingers into my skin, the slight scent of him—darkly male with hints of the citrus oils he used—his puffs of air against my naked back…
All the blood had raced from my head to my dick and stayed there. I let out a few grunts of pleasure and had tried not to squirm.
Eventually Kendall’s efforts had won out and I’d felt myself relax despite my raging erection.
When Kendall had offered to take me to the bed, I wanted to agree… so I could pull him down to the sheets with me.
That was both surprising and unacceptable.
I laid as still as I could as Kendall quietly made his way out of the villa, counting breaths and refusing to shift around to relieve my erection.
Lauren and I had suffered from a dead bedroom. Or, at least, my part of it had been dead. It turned out she was getting her relief other places. And I had been so overworked and stressed that the frequency between our lovemaking sessions became longer and longer.
As a result, it had been quite some time since I had last gotten laid.
That has to be the problem, I told myself as I pushed up off the massage table.
Kendall was long gone, but the citrus scent of the oils he’d used still lingered in the air. I took in a deep breath and felt a shiver roll down my spine.
Rubbing my eyes, I padded to the bathroom and turned every shower head in the huge shower to full blast.
I stepped under the spray and took myself in hand. Then I stroked myself hard and fast. For good measure, I made myself think of beautiful women. Not Lauren—never Lauren again—but women I’d seen on TV, in magazines, the luscious curves of their bodies…
It didn’t take much. I had been so hard that I was aching. I could have gotten off thinking of baseball statistics.
My orgasm should have been a relief, but I felt empty. Standing in the shower and letting the water sluice down my back, taking the massage oils and my seed along with it, I scrubbed at my face again.
What was wrong with me?
I stepped out, dried off, and put on a pair of lounge pants and a comfy terrycloth robe that the resort provided.
Clearly, I was just worked up. I decided that now that I had stepped away from some of the stress of my business and the divorce, my neglected libido was waking up. It was totally natural. It had nothing to do with Kendall. In fact, I probably would’ve had more of a reaction if it had been a woman masseuse.
That decided, I crossed the room and headed for my laptop.
If nothing else, jacking off had left me clearheaded. I should really take the opportunity to see if I had missed something important from work.
When I checked my cell phone, I realized that I had missed a call from my mother. She must have phoned while I was in the shower.
Jacking off to the thought of my masseuse, a little voice inside reminded me.
I pushed it away and frowned down at my phone.
My mother and I had a close relationship, but she was more of a texter. Calling was usually reserved for bad news, so I wasn’t going to ignore this.
I called her back and she picked up on the third ring.
“Deacon, honey, I was afraid you were missing in action.”
“What do you mean?” I asked. “Are you all right?”
“That’s what I was calling to ask you,” my mother said. “She has been ringing my line, saying that you were nowhere to be found.”
I squeezed my eyes shut in irritation. There was no doubt who my mother was talking about. She only used that tone of voice for my ex. My mother had loved Lauren as a daughter-in-law, but her allegiance was first and foremost to me. When Lauren made me unhappy, my mother had been on my side.