Page 10 of Count Down
“I’m sorry,” she says.
“My fault,” I say. “I know it’s not as easy as it looks.”
“Hey, at least you didn’t drop me.” She moves her hands from my face and pats my shoulders, like she’s giving me a pep-talk. “That’s better than 99% of first-time partners.”
“Thanks,” I smirk at her. “That makes me feel better.”
She grins back at me, knowing that I don’t really need the encouragement.
“Ahem.” We both turn our heads to the wing at the sound of someone clearing their throat.
“Archie!” Gina calls out to the guy I saw her with in the lobby atLa Bayadére. “What are you doing?”
Archie walks across the stage toward us. It’s evident he’s not a dancer. I find myself relieved that he didn’t see me mess up a lift he could have easily done.
“I came looking for you. The dinner is about to start.” Archie doesn’t look at me. I’d respect him a lot more if he did, but instead he’s doing his best to pretend I’m not there. Maybe he thinks it makes him look like he’s not intimidated by me.
I can see that he’s trying to stand as tall as he can when he gets close to us. It’s pointless. I’m easily five inches taller than him and at least ten years older.
“I was giving Luca his tour,” Gina says. She intentionally points me out to him, ruining his attempt to ignore me.
“Ah,” Archie turns to me acting like he just realized I was here. “I’m Archie.” He holds out his hand to shake mine.
“Luca.” I shake his hand.
“I’m Gina’s boyfriend.” I can feel him trying to squeeze my hand tightly. His attempted show of force is pathetic. I’d respect him more if he didn’t do it. But he seems like the kind of smarmy fuck that’s used to getting his own way.
“M-hm,” I smile and nod back at him.
He breaks off and grabs Gina’s hand to pull her away. “Let’s get back to the dinner.”
Gina looks at me as she starts to follow him. She turns and mouths “sorry” to me.
“Thanks for the tour,” I call out as he drags her off the stage.
I let them leave without me. I take one last look out at the theater. It’s a powerful view, and the architecture is beautiful. But it seems flat now that Gina isn’t here. What is she doing with a little shit like Archie?
I head back into the room where the dinner is hosted. Archie talked as if they’d already started the dinner, but people are still milling around and chatting.
I make my way over to the auction tables where I see a variety of things on offer. Gift baskets, Spa weekends, signed pointe shoes, PBT swag, wine tastings. I don’t plan to bid on any of it. I’ve donated enough tonight that I know the Ballet is doing fine.
One auction does catch my eye though.Four private pilates lessons - provided by Gina Nicoletti. I’m strangely pleased to see that there are quite a few bids and it’s already up to $550.
They finally announce that dinner is about to begin. While most people make their way back to their seats, I head toward the restroom and then to the lobby. I’ve got no interest in sitting with a bunch of people and making small talk through dinner. The lobby is completely empty, which gives me the chance to do what I actually came for: figuring out how I might set up an accident on the stairs.
Archie’s being reallycranky during dinner and it’s getting on my nerves. He’s acting like he caught me making out with someone. Sure, it might have looked strange when he showed up, but I’ve already explained to him what happened. It’s not my fault that Luca wanted me to give him a tour.
Sad to say, this isn’t the first time Archie has been this way. I’ve never cheated on him. Never even considered it. I’m honest and I’m loyal. But he acts like if another guy even looks at me, it was my fault.
I’m over it. Now I recognize it for what it is. He’s being manipulative and pouting if I don’t do exactly what he wants. Archie hasn’t even looked at me during the dinner except to occasionally glare at me.
I just hope he gets over it sooner than later. Ideally before I fully lose my patience with him.
I stop trying to talk to Archie as the emcee calls for everyone’s attention. They announce the amount of money already raised tonight and how close we are to our goal, that we’re doingSwan Lakenext spring and who the guest choreographers will be for the fall program. The dancers already know these things, but the audience murmurs excitedly at the news.