Page 14 of Count Down
As soon as we sit down, Mateo begins. “The Bratva want to meet. The loss of Novikov weakened and slowed them.” Mateo nods at me. “They’ve got product they need to move. Barsukov reached out looking to set up a deal.”
“What do you make of that?” I ask Mateo. We’re all aware of Alexander Barsukov, the current Bratva Boss.
“I know they need to look strong. They’re facing pressure from the Polish, and they need to build some connections to grow into an alliance. There’s no doubt they’re using us, and they’ll stab us in the back when it suits them.” Mateo looks out the window. “But we can use them too. We need to prepare to go at it with the Irish. We can use this as a chance to get ready.”
“What do you need from us?” Raf asks.
“Set up a meeting with Maxim Solonik, their Captain. I want both of you running point on this. Get it done before you take out Nicoletti. You should be able to get a good deal on the drugs. Without Novikov, I know they’re not set up to move it all. Get them to include some more arms and anything else you think we need to stock up on. We can’t be too prepared for the Irish.”
When Mateo’s done briefing us, Raf and I take the elevator down together. I want to talk about our next steps, but anywhere in this building aside from Mateo’s office is forbidden for business. We’ll get together later in another location that’s safe for discussion. Instead, I ask him about his new girl.
“How’s your woman doing? What was her name?”
“Caroline.” Raf beams as he mentions her name. I can tell he’s really happy. I’ve never seen him like this before. “She’s doing great. She just moved in with me.”
“Wow. How is that working out?” It’s hard for me to picture a girl moving in with Raf. Not many guys in our line of work have successful, meaningful relationships. Failure seems to come with the lifestyle.
“It’s great.” He looks absolutely sincere.
“She knows what you do? How does she feel about it?”
“Yeah. She grew up in Philly, so she’s pretty aware of it. But she says if I can deal with the hours she works as a pastry chef, the least she can do is put up with my job.” Raf grins at their inside joke as the elevator door opens
“Sounds interesting.” I nod to Raf as we exit the building and go our separate ways.
I try to picture a girl living with Raf in his house. His house is big, walled in and solitary. It was always his fortress of solitude, much like my place is to me. And now he’s sharing it with someone he loves.
Could I ever be in that situation? Could someone ever love me enough they would move into my home? Would I ever let them?
I’ve always assumed that my life would never accommodate anyone besides my brothers-in-arms. Not just that what I do would keep a woman from ever being able to love or trust me. But that my life was cursed. That if I ever truly loved someone or something, the world would take it away from me.
That’s how it’s always been. And I don’t see why it would ever change.
My conversationwith my father after meeting with Klein wasn’t the greatest. I tried to be vague and noncommittal. I told him I appreciated talking with Klein and that she had some interesting things to say (the truth). I said I’d consider going to college in the fall (not the truth).
Consideringit isn’t what my father wanted to hear. He wants me to commit. But I can’t do that. And I’m not sure how to make him see that I’m not going to do what he wants. I know his reaction won’t be good. And I’m not sure I’m ready for him to blow up on me. If I had an idea what I wanted to do, I could at least try and share an alternative plan. But I know he won’t accept that Ijustdance in the corps for another year and teach a couple of pilates classes a week. I don’t know that it would matter anyway. He doesn’t respect anything that isn’t his idea. He thinks I’m just wasting my life on a hobby.
I still feel lost, but today, I have the smallest glimmer of hope. Luca won the auction for the private pilates lessons, and today is our first appointment. I have mostly only taught group classes. Private lessons are an interesting challenge. I don’t know exactly what to expect, but the idea that Luca bid on it excites me. It makes me feel good that someone values my expertise for once. The first time I saw him, he was so intimidating. Then, when I was giving him the tour at the fundraiser, it just felt… good. I liked being close to him, even though he probably ended up with a bruise where my shoulder hit his face.
And he was there when I was upset. He found me, and he listened to me. Not my parents, not Archie. Luca. I haven’t seen or talked him since then, so I don’t really know why he bid on the item, but I’m about to find out.
I get to the pilates studio early to get setup. Irene, one of the other instructors, is just finishing her late morning group class. I check the schedule and nobody else has anything for the rest of the day. Saturdays are usually slow in the afternoon. It’ll just be Luca and I here during his lesson.
Irene and her class chat as they wipe down the equipment they used and put their shoes on. She makes some notes at the front desk before giving me a little wave as she follows her students out the door. I keep myself busy setting up for Luca’s session. I adjust the Reformer for his height and attach the springs for the level of resistance we’ll probably start with. I’ll see if he has anything specific he wants to work on, but I’ve already planned some of the exercises I want to take him through.
Looking at Luca, it’s obvious to see that he’s in shape. But pilates is hard for anyone without experience, even if you’re strong. I think this session will test him. I’m curious how he’ll respond.
Even though I just saw Irene clean the equipment we’ll use, I wipe it down again just for something to do. When I hear the studio door open, I turn to see Luca standing there, holding his gym bag.
I walk over to the front desk to greet him. “Hey, welcome. Find the place alright?”
“Looks like it. How are you?”
“Good.” I smile back at him. Right now, I do feel good. I grab a clipboard and pen from the desk. “There’s a little paperwork for you to fill out before we get started.”