Page 39 of Count Down
“Never heard of it,” I reply.
“It came out in the 90s?” he adds as if we’ll remember it.
“That’s when we came out too,” Lexi says.
Luca laughs and shakes his head. “Alright then.” He looks at his wine glass. “I think this wine might actually be older than you.”
“I don’t care as long as I’m old enough to drink it,” Lexi says. Luca chuckles again. “Now let’s watch a movie about someone stuck in a time-loop with someone that was on SNLthiscentury.”
I like that Luca and Lexi are getting along. I know that her teasing him means the same thing it means when she teases me. It’s her way of showing that she likes you.
It’s also really nice to see Luca relaxed and joking around. If I had to be stuck in a loop, this wouldn’t be a bad day to keep reliving.
* * *
When the movie ends, Lexi heads off to bed. “I’m out. See you all tomorrow.”
Luca and I are left on the couch. It was nice watching the movie with his arm wrapped around me. His hand caressing my arm. Seeing him joke around with Lexi as if they were friends. It made me even more attracted to him.
I hear Lexi’s door close, and I turn to kiss Luca. Kiss him hard the way I’ve been wanting to since he walked into my apartment. He kisses me back, clearly also having no more patience.
Sitting here on the couch with him reminds me of the couch on his rooftop. I straddle his lap and his hands wrap my sides. My body tingles under his touch.
“Let’s move to my room.” I stand up and take his hand, leading him to my room.
“Ah, you put your bed together,” Luca admires as we enter my room. I close my door behind him. The room is still half-unpacked, but the bed, the important part, is done.
At the foot of the bed, I turn him toward me and kiss him some more. I want to keep making out with him. But I also can’t wait to get his pants off and play with the rest of him or feel his hands on my naked body.
I push him back onto the bed. It creaks slightly under his weight.
When I hop onto the bed to straddle his lap again, the bed gives a strange lurch.
The right side of the bed collapses underneath us both. It dumps us onto the floor, rolling us off to the side like a staircase-turned-slide in a cartoon funhouse. Luca and I land against the boxes along the wall, smooshed up against each other.
I hear Lexi yell from the next room over, “WHAT THE HELL?!”
Luca looks shocked and bewildered, gazing at the ramped slope that used to be my bed. My only reaction is to laugh uncontrollably. Luca looks at me, still confused as I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. He starts to laugh along with me and pushes himself to sit up.
Seeing him try to sit up, squashed in this small alley between collapsed bed and packing boxes doesn’t help me to stop laughing. I finally catch my breath enough to talk. I grip my sides, sore from the laughter. “I don’t think … I tightened the bolts correctly.”
Luca just shakes his head. He’s finally made it out of the trap between the bed and boxes. He offers me a hand and pulls me up. He gives me a little kiss when I get to my feet. “Should we go back to my place?” I nod and follow him back out of my room, still smiling.
As we leave, I see Lexi peeking out her bedroom door.
“My bed collapsed. I didn’t put it together right. We’re going to his place,” I explain as I throw on my shoes and follow Luca out the door. Lexi shakes her head and closes the door heading back to her own bed.
I’m riding a surge of adrenaline from the shock of my bed collapsing. It didn’t do much to distract me from Luca for the long term, though. When we get into his car, I reach my hand across to his lap. Doesn’t feel like it distracted him too much either.
On the driveback to my place, Gina reaches over and feels the bulge in my crotch. It feels so fucking good. I tilt my seat back just slightly, just to give her a little more room and access.
While I’m still driving, she unhooks my belt and unzips my pants. She reaches her hand inside. The feel of her hand on my bare cock is a relief. She strokes it up and down slowly. I keep my eyes on the road while she keeps her eyes on my cock.