Page 30 of The Baron's Bride
“All right, come in,” I called, after making certain that Natalie was covered completely.
The door opened and Azz’lx pushed his head in. His eyes flew to Natalie and a fleeting expression of distaste crossed over his face before he looked at me.
“What are you doing down on your knees before a female?” he demanded, frowning.
“That’s for me to know and you to shut the fuck up about,” I growled. “What areyoudoing here? What’s so urgent you had to interrupt my privacy when I’m quenching my Thirst?”
Breaking in on someone when they’re drinking is almost as bad, in Naggian society, as breaking in on someone having sex. Which might have happened if things had kept on going the way they had been. I had the feeling that Natalie had a lot of appetites that needed to be satisfied and I wasmorethan willing to be the one to satisfy them. She was fucking gorgeous—I would have happily spent the rest of the day and night exploring her—tasting not just her nipples but her pussy, too.
So I was fucking irritated that my second-in-command had interrupted me and Natalie, just when things were getting good.
“What do you want?” I growled at him. “And it hadbetterbe fucking important!”
“It is!” Azz’lx exclaimed. “Forgive me, Baron, but I’m afraid you’re urgently needed in Tsau’narx. The Chief Officer of the Bros’ner Corporation is calling for a meeting and he swears if you’re not in attendance they’re going to break all business ties with us! So you see, you must come at once—the situation isurgent!”
Vik’tor seemed extremely irritated to be interrupted but I thought that maybe, for once, Ass-licks might have done me a favor. I had been completely out of control for a moment there—letting Vik’tor cup my breasts and suck my nipples like that. What had I been thinking?
I knew the answer to that—Ihadn’tbeen thinking. Instead, I had beenfeelingfor the first time in my life. For the first time ever, a man’s touch had made my body react. I could still feel his big, warm hands cupping my breasts and his hot mouth sucking my nipple as he drew circles around and around the tender peak with his tongue…
God, it had felt so good I had almost come again, just from the way he had been sucking and licking my nipple! Was I really that sensitive now, I wondered? I had spent my entire adult life feeling like I was wrapped in cotton—I literally couldn’t feel any sexual sensations at all, no matter how much I or whatever partner I had enlisted to help me—tried. I felt like a freak—I had even gone to a doctor about the problem, but he had put me off and told me that “sexual responses are different for everyone.” Thanks a lot for nothing, Doc.
And now, here I was, on a foreign planet and for some reason, my body had suddenly decided to come to life. The sexual part of me, anyway. Vik’tor had not only made me come by biting me—he had also proved that the sexual side of me was well and truly awake at last! I honestly believed that if we’d had just a few more minutes, he would have made me come again, just by sucking and playing with my nipples.
And then what, Natalie?whispered a reproving little voice in my head.What would have happened after that?
Honestly, I might have hopped into bed with him, I admitted to myself. Which probably wouldn’t have been a good idea.
Call me old-fashioned, but I’m one of those people who thinks sex ought tomeansomething. My generation was part of the casual hook-up culture but before that I was taken to Sunday School every Sunday and those lessons stuck with me. I felt like you ought to love someone and be committed to them before you hopped into bed with them.
Of course, this didn’t stop me when I was trying to find some sexual gratification and prove to myself I could feel something—anything at all—when a man touched me. More than one of my sexual encounters had ended in tears of guilt and frustration—I even felt like maybe I was being punished for fooling around while I wasn’t married. But the thing was, I didn’twantto marry a man who couldn’t do anything for me in bed and none of them could!
I sighed and pushed the memories of the past away. I had only tried a handful of times before I’d realized that no man was going to make my body react. Hell, I couldn’t even make it reactmyself, no matter how many sex toys I tried! So I had just given up and decided to live an asexual existence.
That was, until Vik’tor came along.
I watched him from the corner of my eye as Ass-licks explained something about an urgent business matter that required his immediate attention,in person.He kept emphasizing that—maybe it was a mark of respect for Naggians to show up to a meeting in the flesh, even though they had viewscreens that made remote conversations not only possible but easy.
But according to Ass-licks, a remote meeting just wouldn’t do.
“You have to go to them at once!” he kept insisting. “Please, Baron—I already have your shuttle ready and waiting on the roof!”
“Well…” Vik’tor sighed and looked more annoyed than ever, but at last he nodded. “All right,” he growled. “I’ll fucking go.” He turned back to me. “Sorry about this, little girl—I don’t want to leave you.”
I bit my lip at his frank admission.
“I…I don’t want you to leave, either,” I admitted softly.
“I know, but I have to go take care of this. It shouldn’t take long though—you wait in the room I had them get ready for you. It’s got your new clothes and a nice big fireplace to keep you warm,” he told me.
I nodded.
“I can do that.” Who was I to turn down a plush penthouse bedroom with a nice big fireplace? I wouldn’t mind seeing the new clothes he’d gotten me, either—though I assumed the servants must have picked them out. I hoped they had good taste. But then again, fashion sense didn’t matter so much on O’nagga Nine—warmth did.
“All right.” Vik’tor had risen from his place in front of the chair when Ass-licks came in. Now he bent down and cupped my cheek in his big, warm hand. “Can’t wait to see you when I get back,” he murmured.