Page 32 of The Baron's Bride
“I know, but you helped pick everything out and I’m sure you made certain the bedroom was nice, too,” I told him. “I…I know I’m not the kind of person you normally wait on. I’m just a…just an off-worlder,” I said, refusing to call myself ahsh’fruxor a whore. “But you’ve been very nice to me anyway,” I told him. “So thank you so much for making me feel welcome.”
Daw’snx’s rigid gaze softened a little.
“You are most welcome, my Lady,” he said gently. “I do hope you enjoy your room during your stay with us and that the new clothing fits properly. If there is anything else you need or if anything doesn’t fit properly, please don’t hesitate to call for me. We have not yet removed the tracking tags, so anything you do not like can easily be exchanged.”
“Thank you, I’ll let you know,” I said, nodding.
He bowed his head again and then shut the door behind him, leaving me to explore my new room.
Don’t get too excited,I told myself sternly as I walked to the big, luxurious bed and started going through the new clothing.It’s not like you’re staying—you’re only here for a day and a night.
But I couldn’t tamp down my excitement any longer when I saw the new clothes. All this time I had been wearing layers made ofpanthawool—which comes from a sheep-like creature that the Naggians raise.
These animals are about twice as big as Earth sheep and they can live in low-light conditions and eat the moss that grows on cavern walls. So they’re ideal for keeping inside either a cave underground or an ice-cavern. Their wool is a dull gray and it’s thick and scratchy and bulky but it keeps you warm—moderatelywarm, anyway.
But the wool isn’t nearly as good at holding in heat as fur is andthatwas what I was seeing on the bed—layers and layers of fur clothing.
Yes, I know back on Earth a lot of people feel like fur is murder. But here on O’nagga Nine, the creatures the fur came from would happily murderyouif they got a chance. I had a new body suit to wear under everything else that was made of the superfine undercoat of afarnex—a creature that was something like a cross between a panther and a bear. It had paws as big as my face tipped with needle sharp claws that could rip a grown man’s head off his shoulders in one blow. I knew because I had seen a stuffed one in the O’nagga Nine Natural History Museum on one of my rare Mental Health days when I took a day off work.
Those days—the times I went to the dump to scavenge new furniture for my hole or the times I went to public exhibits and museums and concerts that didn’t cost anything—were only possible when my pimp, R’xs, was on aTskbender. I never knew when that would be—usually once a month he just wouldn’t show up out in the Central Hub. That was when I knew it was safe to go and it was also how I got to see the animal whose fur I was going to be wearing next to my skin from now on.
I slipped into the fur bodysuit, noting that I felt warmer already. The tracking tag on the right ankle was a little irritating but I decided I should leave it on for now. It would be better to try on all the clothes first before asking Daw’snx to remove the tags. These were the Naggian version of anti-theft devices—they allowed a store to know if their merchandise had been stolen and exactly where to go to get it back so they could prosecute the thief.
There were other layers to go over the bodysuit—all of them different kinds of fur and all of them smooth and sleek and not the least bit bulky or scratchy. There were even new socks andvanduhide boots to go with it. And best of all, there was a big, warm fur overcoat thatwasn’tdyed bright green.
I stared at the coat, my heart pounding. Was the Baron trying to send me a message by giving me a new coat that wasn’t dyed the signature color of the Blood Whores? Was he maybe asking me to stay with him, to quit my job as a Blood Whore and move into his penthouse?
Don’t be an idiot,I told myself sternly.You just met him—he doesn’t know you well enough to ask you to move in and you don’t know him well enough to accept even if he did. Don’t let this Cinderella fantasy go to your head, Natalie. You’re not Julia Roberts and he’s not Richard Gere and you arenotin the middle of a sci-fi re-enactment of Pretty Woman here!
But I couldn’t help taking pleasure in sweeping the new fur coat—which was a plush deep gray fur that seemed to surround my body like sexy smoke—around my shoulders. I strutted back and forth in front of the fireplace and looked at myself in the full-length viewer that was placed in one corner of the room. I looked like a model in the new coat, I thought—seriously, I could be walking the runway in Milan!
All these clothes—and the new coat especially—were so gorgeous and expensive I felt like theyhadto mean something, didn’t they? I mean, didn’t it seem like Vik’tor and I had made some kind of connection?Ihad certainly felt like there was something between us…maybe he felt the same way.
Of course, I didn’t want anything permanent—what I wanted was to get back to Earth and there was no way I wanted to stay on this frozen ball of ice. But I wouldn’t say no to spending a little time with the man who had given me my first orgasm…and had been well on the way to giving me my second before we had been so rudely interrupted.
Mmm…I wonder how his hands would feel on me if he touched me when I was just wearing this fur bodysuit? Rubbing all over, using the fur to tickle my nipples and pussy…
The possibilities seemed endless…and endlessly arousing.
However, I didn’t get to enjoy my fantasies for long. I had only been strutting and preening and fantasizing for a few minutes when the door to my room suddenly burst open.
“What—?” I gasped, whirling to see what was going on.
It was Ass-licks, standing there in the doorway with a glare on his face.
“All right now, you little slut,” he snarled at me. “I think it’s time you were leaving!”
Ass-licks grabbed me by the arm and started yanking me towards the door of the room.
“Hey, what are you doing? Get your hands off me!” I protested, trying to get away from him. But even though he was short for a Naggian, he was still much stronger than me. He hauled me relentlessly out of the plush bedroom and slammed the door behind us.
“You…are…leaving—now!” he grunted as he yanked me down the long hallway with its crimson runner rug. “You’ve had enough of the Baron’s largess—Ioughtto make you give back those clothes!”
“Vik’torgaveme these clothes!” I protested. “And he never said he wanted me to leave.”