Page 55 of The Baron's Bride
Back in the warmth and safety of Vik’tor’s ship, he turned off the viewscreen—which still showed Ass-licks raging and whining outside in the parking area—and turned to me.
“Glad that’s over,” he said decisively. “And please don’t worry, Natalie—you’re never going to have to deal with him again. I’m kicking him out of my building so you’re never even going to have to fuckingseehim again.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” I said. “But Vik’tor, I was hoping never to see him again because I washopefullygetting off of O’nagga Nine.”
He frowned.
“So…you really meant all that—about wanting to get away from here? Even if you’re living with me in my building where it’s warm and safe and no one can hurt you, baby? I mean, I know we can’t form a Bond since I’m a half-blood but I thought maybe…”
He trailed off and I bit my lip, trying to think how to say what needed to be said.
“Vik’tor…please don’t take this the wrong way,” I said slowly. “I wouldloveto be with you—to be in a relationship with you. But I justcan’t—not while you’re still living on O’nagga Nine. I’ve had some terrible experiences here and I just want to put them behind me. Besides…” I put my hands to my heart. “I’mhomesick.”I miss my parents and my brothers and my Granny! And I know they’re probably worried sick about me. Please, Vik’tor…I just want to gohome.”
I put my whole heart into the plea, hoping he would understand—praying he wouldn’t take offense and decide to dump me out in the cold because I was turning him down. He was, after all, the richest and most powerful man on O’nagga Nine and I was just a Blood Whore—he didn’t have to take me anywhere or help me get home if he didn’t want to.
Vik’tor sighed and ran his hands over his horns.
“Yeah, I was afraid you’d say that,” he rumbled at last. “Guess I can’t blame you for wanting to get away from here—especially considering all the shit you’ve been through.”
“So…you’ll take me home?” I asked hopefully.
Vik’tor nodded.
“I will, baby. But…I wonder if you’d mind if we made a quick side-trip first.”
I frowned.
“A side-trip? What do you mean?”
“Well, remember when you asked me why I stayed on O’nagga Nine and I told you it was because it’s so damn awkward to get blood when I go anywhere else?” he asked.
I nodded.
“Yeah. And?”
“Well, there’s a planet I’ve been wanting to visit,” Vik’tor told me. “It’s not far—still in our own galaxy—so it won’t take long to get there. If I can establish trade relations with them, it would be good for my business.”
“So…you wantmeto come with you?” I asked, frowning.
“As my Blood Bride,” Vik’tor said, nodding. “Though I promise I won’t take much blood.”
“I don’t have a problem with you biting me,” I said, remembering the way his bite always gave me a screaming orgasm. “But are you sureI’mthe one you want to take with you? Not some other woman—maybe a Naggian like Ta’ti’ana?”
Vik’tor scowled.
“What the fuck would I want with her? That was just Azz’lx talking out of his ass,” he said dismissively. “No, I wantyou,baby but not just for your blood—I need a female to accompany me because of the customs of the planet where I’m going. See, I want to go to the Female Side of Tangella Alpha-Prime.”
I frowned because the name of the planet sounded very familiar for some reason.
“Tangella Alpha-Prime?” I asked. “I’ve heard that name…wait a minute! I know why I’ve heard it! I’m pretty sure that’s where Gumpas—the merchant who bought me from the Commercians in the first place—wanted to take me. But he kept saying he wanted to give me as a gift to the Dark Emperor there!”
“Hmm, then I guess he was trying to establish trade relations with the Male Side of the planet,” Vik’tor rumbled. “But I need to visit the Rainbow Empress. Or the Rainbow Queen, as some call her. It’sherside of the planet that has what my business needs—and I think she’ll also be interested in importing some of our furs from O’nagga Nine.”
“The Rainbow Empress?” I asked, frowning. “Is she…do you think she’s the Amazon-looking woman with the rainbow hair and eyes that I saw in my, uh, vision?”