Page 82 of The Baron's Bride
I just hoped like hell they knew what they were doing.
Ihoped like crazy that Rylee and I were doing the right thing. Our plan depended on the Emperor’s mood. Would he listen to us? I sure as hell hoped so, but I didn’t know.
We approached the throne again, flanked by the enormous guards in their bronze armor and stood at the foot of the dais where Shadout the Twenty-second and one half sat on the Throne of Night. He glared down at us, his sensual mouth twisted into a snarl.
“Well?” he demanded. “Have the two of you had enough rest?”
“We are ready to speak to you, Your Highness,” Rylee said firmly. “You have told us that you have lost the will to live…you feel that something is missing in your life. Isn’t that right?”
“Well…yes. The Emperor frowned and nodded. “I suppose you could say that. But I have so much…” He spread his hands, indicating the vast palace and all its riches and guards. “What could be missing?”
“Companionship,” I said, taking up my part of the narrative. “Caring.Love.”
The Emperor’s frown deepened and his lip curled.
“I am a male! I do not need such things!”
“Everyoneneeds such things,” Rylee corrected him gently. “What you need, Your Majesty, is a mate. And I believe that Natalie and I know the right one for you.”
“Well…go on.” Emperor Shadout nodded grudgingly. “My people have lived without mates for centuries, but I will at least hear what you propose.”
“Do you know that on the other side of your planet there is someone who longs for you?” I asked him, raising my eyebrows. “A woman who looks at your face and wishes to be with you?”
“Really?” The Emperor looked surprised. “Of whom do you speak, La-ti-zal?” he demanded.
“I speak of Empress Shalaya the Twenty-second and one half,” I told him. “Right before I was taken by the merchant who sold me to you, I was staying in her court. She told me there was a prophecy that the two halves of your planet—the males and the females—would come back together again.”
“And the prophecy further states that two La-ti-zals will bring this to pass. And here we are,” Rylee said, spreading her hands to indicate the two of us. “We are ready to help you find your mate—and your happiness—Your Majesty.”
I held my breath as she finished speaking, waiting to see how the Emperor would react to this idea. Would he love it and want to proceed immediately? Or would he declare that he was a man and he didn’t need a woman or something stupid like that and have our heads chopped off?
Beside me, I could see Rylee’s lips moving and I knew she was keeping her guys updated on everything that was going on. In fact, she had told me that she could even let them see through her eyes at times, so maybe they were watching us right now. If so, I hoped they’d been able to contact Vik’tor to tell him what was happening.
After a long, breathless moment, Emperor Shadout nodded and rubbed his chin.
“All right,” he said. “Of course, the males and females of our kind have been apart for centuries, but some say the light and joy of our lives left when we lost our women. Perhaps it is time to contemplate getting them back. But how can the two of you help me to do so?” he asked, looking down at us.
“Well, first of all, I can tell you that if you try—at least make an effort—you’ll almost certainly succeed,” I told him. “I am a Visionary La-ti-zal—my gift is to see the future. And I have had a vision of the two of you coming together in the Throne Room of Empress Shalaya.”
He frowned.
“In her throne room, you say? But why canshenot travel to seeme?”
“Your Highness,” Rylee said tactfully. “I know it has been a long time since any of your people took a wife, but it’s usually themanwho is the pursuer—the wooer. A man—a male—like you, goes after what he wants.”
“And believe me, you’re going to want Shalaya,” I said, hoping we could sell him on this point. “Have you seen her? She’sbeautiful. And kind and sweet and caring,” I added, hoping all those things were true. After all, I hadn’t really gotten to talk to the Rainbow Empress much—I had been too busy putting on a sex show for her with Vik’tor.
“Mirror—appear and show me the Empress Shalaya!” the Emperor demanded.
At once, a mirror appeared beside him—apparently he had the same “gifts” that the Rainbow Empress had, I thought. And speaking of the Empress, as the mirror appeared, it showed her image.
She really was striking, with her flowing, multicolored pastel mane and swirling rainbow eyes. If you were into Amazons with color-wheel hair, she would totally be your type.
Rylee and I held our breath as the Emperor studied what the magic mirror was showing him.