Page 107 of Wicked Alphas
It doesn’t open. When I try to fumble with the lock, nothing happens.
“I love you,” he says, watching me struggle. I unbuckle my seatbelt and thrust my hip against the door.
“This isn’t love. Unlock the door, Michael.”
“It is, Harper.”
“That’s not even my name!” I shriek, turning to face him. “You made up an entirely new identity for me. One thatyouwanted! You never told me about the gardening, you said people didn’t like me, that I wasn’t sociable…you molded me into what was convenient foryou!”
He grips my hand, and I try to shake it away, but he remains firm. “I was going to tell you, eventually.”
“You even lied about my allergy to cats!Why?”
He doesn’t let go of me. His eyes are frantic and bloodshot as he stares at me. “Let’s start over. We can start over, my love,please. I’ll even tell you my real name, I promise.”
I glance out the window at the gas station, waving my other arm, hoping someone inside will see. “Help me!” I yell, banging on the window.
“Babe, stop, please. Don’t make this difficult.”
He’s unhinged. He sobs, as if this is my fault and that I’m the one that created this sick, twisted life for us.
“Let me go—”
My head hits the window and I slump against it, succumbing to darkness.
It’s beenhim the whole time.
The one that made her uncomfortable, the one we fired because he wouldn’t stop invading her space.
She was friendly to him, and he thought that meant she was interested in him.
Never mind that he was a Beta, and she was our Omega.
Grey had to stop me from killing him.
I should have done it when I had the chance, instead of just telling him to fuck off and never come back.
Instead, he changed his fucking name and spun a web of lies that kept her away from us.
“We have to find him,” I say, as Beau looks at me warily.
Grey jots down his license plate as I contemplate all the ways to hurt him.
I’m starting to wonder if the letters from her were fake, and she never intended to leave us.
Maybe it was just to clear her head.