Page 111 of Wicked Alphas
Michael cups my face with one hand and brings his lips to my cheek. “No tears,” he whispers. “Only smiles from now on.”
I shiver.
* * *
He sleepsby my side every night, and I wake up screaming every morning.
My dreams are violent and disturbing, and when I dance on the edge of sleep and consciousness, I forget where I am for a moment.
But when reality hits, I sob hysterically.
Michael takes me in his arms, but his touch is foreign and unsettling.
It only makes me cry harder as he tries to soothe me.
He whispers words in my ear, declarations of how much he loves me, playing his familiar mind games.
We slowly fall into the old routine, and if my heart wasn’t already broken, it would shatter every time he pulled me into his arms.
My hands stay cuffed, and I’m forced to rely on him for almost everything.
He feeds me, and I hate every bite, terrified of what’s in the food.
When I use the bathroom, he stands outside the door, humming happily, only to slap metal cuffs back on me the moment I’m done.
He orders groceries so he never has to leave the house.
To survive, I push Grey, Beau, and James into the back of my mind.
Surely, they have to be looking for me, right?
Or maybe…
Maybe they thought I left them again and they’re done for good.
They didn’t mate me. They could find someone else.
But those fears don’t seem accurate.
They’remyAlphas, and I’m their Omega.
I hold on to the hope the best I can, still believing that when the moment is right, I’ll be able to escape Michael.
“You’re thinking about them,” he says one night, as we sit on the couch in the living room. He’s brushing my hair, and I’m perched in his lap, pretending to be his perfect little doll. The television blares in the background, playing a sitcom he claims we love.
I shrug, feigning disinterest.
The brush tangles in my hair and he pulls too hard, ripping strands from my scalp. I yelp in pain as he pulls my head back, putting his mouth to my ear.
“It’s just us now,” he breathes. “They’re not coming back,Harper.”
He alternates between calling me Harper or Evelynn.
Evelynn is when he’s in a good mood.
Harper is when he’s feeling particularly controlling.
His hands wrap around my waist, and for a terrifying moment, I think he’s going to take advantage of me. I’m hardly in a position to fight him, but he doesn’t continue his movements.