Page 12 of Wicked Alphas
I takemy time on the flights of stairs, admiring theInnand all of its furnishings.
If I could design a house, it would look exactly like this, right down to the antique end tables.
The first floor is quiet as I enter the living room and I wonder where to go.
Based on all the reviews I’ve read, the food here should be phenomenal. They have an on-site cook in the mornings, and they use local ingredients as much as they can.
Hehas always been strange about my eating habits.Hehas to be there when I eat a meal, andhealways insists I take my —
My meds.
I forgot my meds.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit!
How long can I go without them?
How could Iforgetthem?
They were in the medicine cabinet of the bathroom. In my hurry, I only grabbed my toothbrush and deodorant off the counter.
Damn it!
There should be a pharmacy in town, though.
The migraines haven’t started yet, so that’s good. I should be fine.
Besides, a little headache is a small price to pay if it means I’m away fromhim.
The receptionist from last night enters the room, her dark brown hair pulled into a bun. The bewildered expression is gone from her face and, instead, her brown eyes are gentle and warm. Dressed in a pencil skirt and white blouse, she’s welcoming and professional.
“Good morning,” she says, before I can reply. “I need to apologize to you about last night.” She takes another step closer, and I catch a nametag on her blazer.
I shrug. “It’s fine,” I insist.
“No, it absolutely was not.” She leaves me no room to argue. “Your reservation wasn’t in our system and we rarely have visitors during this time of year. And you arrived so late, I was concerned.”
I nod. Sincerity is clear on her face and I relax in her presence. “I appreciate it. Truly.”
“And James—well, James was being James.” She makes an exasperated face and shakes her head.
That’s the blonde Alpha’s name.
“Is he always that strange?” I ask softly, and Charlotte laughs. A matching grin spreads across my face at her delight.
“He always has been, since I’ve known him. Don’t let him bother you too much.”
I shake my head. “I won’t.”
“We’re excited to have you here,” she continues. “No one has stayed in the Princess Suite for so long.”