Page 120 of Wicked Alphas
A rush of slick soaks us both, leaking through my leggings and staining his lap.
“Fuck. Fuck,” he chants into my neck, panting. “Come on me, baby, comeon…”
I lean back and he gropes my breasts through my shirt, pulling gently on my nipples as he meets my thrusts. He looks at me, his pupils blown with lust.
“I love you.”
I whimper at his words, closing my eyes as the orgasm floods through me and I ruin my leggings, gushing all over us both.
“Holy shit, you’re squirting,” he gasps in disbelief. “Oh fuck, my perfect girl, my perfect Omega,yes, just like that…”
And with a violent thrust of his hips, I realize he’s coming, too.
He grips my hips, hard enough to bruise, and I ride the waves of pleasure with him. His neck muscles strain as he jerks against me, his face contorted in beautiful agony as his orgasm tears through him.
When it’s over and I come back to reality, I collapse against his chest, and he growls, the rumble in his chest soothing me.
“When I claim you,” he pants. “I want it to be when you’re secure in your nest, where I can take care of you. Where we all can.”
I shudder in delight at the image I conjure.
All of them. Their cocks in me, their teeth at my mating gland—
And when those thoughts consume me, a slight cramp starts in my womb.
My Heat is coming.
She’s back.
And she’s never leaving our goddamned sight again.
That asshole Clyde is in custody, but I wish he wasn’t.
I wish he wasn’t on this fucking planet anymore.
He’s locked away for now, and that will have to be enough for the moment.
But Grey can sense my frustration, and he raises an eyebrow as I help him prepare her bedroom.
“There’s not much you can do about it now. Just control what you can,” he assures me.
Which is why we’re surprising her with a luxurious nest.
Despite our panic and worrying while she was missing, we also put our energy into doing something forher.
That way I wouldn’t be lost in my destructive thoughts.
“Thank you,” I tell him, as I hang a framed picture on the wall. He makes a face, so I elaborate. “You didn’t let me go off the deep end.”
“She had to come back,” he mutters, placing a cashmere robe on a hanger. “She had to. If we thought she wouldn’t…it would have killed Beau.”
And me, I think to myself.
“They’ve been out there all day,” I say, nodding towards her window. “I wonder how much he’s telling her.”