Page 122 of Wicked Alphas
“I’m sorry about the letters,” she whispers, as she pulls away. Her eyes meet mine, hopeful and searching. “I’m so sorry Michael wrote those awful things and made it seem like it was me.”
I growl at the mention of the asshole’s name, and my inner Alpha rages, thirsty for blood.
He took her away from us.
“It’s okay, baby. I don’t care,” I say, trying to keep my voice as even as possible.
“ButIdo,” she insists. “He forged my handwriting. He—he made you believe I didn’t want you anymore.”
I grimace. I don’t want to have this conversation.
I remember Grey’s solemn look as he handed us the envelopes, his eyes haunted.
The words, written in her script, are still burned into my brain.
Never wanted you—
You were my only options at the time—
I settled for you—
Even though I know she didn’t write them, I believed for so long that she did.
It leaves an ache in my chest.
“We put you in a shitty position,” I insist. “We pressured you. And you weren’t ready.”
She frowns and bites her lip. “I’m ready now,” she says quietly. “And I think even back then, I would have said yes. I just needed to clear my head, but I never had that opportunity.”
I can’t stop myself. I kiss her again, this time slow and gentle.
“Fuck the past,” I tell her. “Fuck the letters. Forget everything butus, and how much we love you.”
I was trying not to let it slip, but it’s obvious.
I’ve loved her since I first met her, just like Beau has.
But I was trying to wait at least until she had been back for a fuckingday…
Her lips are against mine, and she smiles into the kiss. I bite her lip and she groans, thrusting
against me.
My inner Alpha roars, demanding to lift her shirt and expose that beautiful gland.
Bite her bite her bite her!
I nuzzle the delicate skin and she gasps. Her hand runs through my hair, and she pulls,hard,and I groan in pleasure.
My cock nestles against her ass, and if we don’t stop now, I’ll bite her skin.
But it shouldn’t be like this.
When she’s in Heat, when she’s surrounded in her nest, then I’ll claim her.