Page 27 of Wicked Alphas
It’sdark by the time I enter the front of theInn, my heart racing. I glance at Charlotte, who is on the phone at the desk, her face pulled into a frown.
Grey stands next to her, scowling, but his face softens when he sees me.
“Are you alright, Harper?” he asks quietly, and I want to laugh at the absurdity of his question.
“No. No, I’m not.”
Grey frowns.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever be alright again.
Charlotte hangs up the phone, then turns to me.
“Honey,” she says softly, “someone called here looking for you.”
Suddenly, it’s hard to breathe, and the headache is back.
I swallow, doing my best not to panic. “Oh.”
Grey looks at Charlotte, then back at me. “We didn’t tell them you were here.”
Good. That’s good.
My heart pounds painfully in my chest as fear freezes me in place.
“He said he was your fiancé,” Charlotte adds. “But you’re not engaged, are you?”
I’m going to throw up.
“No,” I whisper, as Beau enters from the living room, grinning broadly until he meets my expression. “Hey, guys. Oh…what’s going on?”
It doesn’t matter that Charlotte told Michael I wasn’t here.
He’ll show up, anyway.
“Who was on the phone?” Grey asks. “Did you tell anyone you were here?”
I can’t answer him. My mouth opens and closes, trying to find words, but panic stuns my brain.
“Excuse me,” I whisper, pushing past Grey, his rich scent making my head swim. I race past Beau, climbing the stairs two at a time, until I reach the door to my suite, where Wilson waits expectantly. I jam the key into the lock and stumble into the room, panting as I grab my suitcase, my heart racing.
I have to leave.
He’s coming.
I shove clothes into my suitcase haphazardly, tears pricking at my eyes, as I try to formulate a plan.
Find shelter.
Sleep in my car.
“Harper?” I jump at Grey’s voice behind me. I turn to him with shaky hands as he stands in the doorway, his expression stoic. “What are you doing?”