Page 48 of Wicked Alphas
I haven’t realized I’ve dozed off until Grey brings his lips to the top of my head, and I wake up with a gasp. The fire is still crackling, and the moonlight illuminates the garden through the window. Charlotte stands near us, a cup of steaming liquid in her hand.
I’m safe.
I’m not withMichael.
“It’s just me,” Grey promises. “Charlotte brought some medicine for you, if you’d like. For your headache.”
God, yes.
Charlotte hands me the mug and places a pill in my hand. “It should help,” she says. “If not, we can always call the doctor.”
I’m so desperate for relief that I don’t bother to look at what she gives me. I swallow it eagerly, washing the pill down with sips of hot chocolate.
Grey watches me, his eyes focusing on the swallow of my throat. “Tell us if it gets worse,” he says.
Why do you care so much?I want to say, but I’ve realized there’s no point in asking.
He’s still a mystery to me.
As the hot chocolate settles in my stomach, I wonder if it's maybe best to just enjoy my time here and stop questioning everything.
But it’s so hard to do that, when my life has been nothingbutquestions.
This was supposed to be a getaway before I start the arduous task of creating a new life.
How did it become so complicated?
Ring. Ring.
I startle at the front desk phone, my body tensing as I lean into Grey’s side.
“It’s nothing,” he promises me, as I hear Charlotte pick up. “We have people calling here to make reservations all the time.”
His purring continues, and for the moment, I’m soothed.
“Nope, like I said before, she’s not here,” Charlotte’s polite voice rings out.
My breath catches and I whimper in fear.
Grey growls as I gasp for air.
“He’s going to find me,” I choke out, shuffling out of his hold and remembering where I am.
I can’t find comfort in him. Ican’t.
That road only leads to heartache.
“No,” Grey hisses, his eyes blazing. “Harper, he willnotharm you again.”
Charlotte hurries in, her face pale, glancing at me with sympathetic eyes. “I’m sorry, Harper. Should I call the police?” she whispers.
I shake my head.
What will they do?
“No police,” Grey says slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. “If he comes here, we’ll take care of it.”
“For a few more days,” I murmur. I stand up, preparing to have the same conversation from last night. “I need to get a head start, Grey. He can’t know where I am.”