Page 87 of Wicked Alphas
The gardens have many different flowers, but there’s a few we don’t grow, as they can be poisonous to Wilson.
Lucky for us, he’s content to munch on his grass and some of the catnip that Beau and I planted.
Often, I’ll find James out in the gazebo, sketching. He’s gifted me a picture of Wilson mid yawn, and it sits on my nightstand next to my portrait he drew. Grey teaches at the community college four days a week, and Beau spends time in the garden and reaching out to local markets and food banks.
I love it here.
I’m almost to the French doors when a familiar voice rings out.
I turn to see Renee, her eyes bright and excited. She pulls me in for a hug, and I return her embrace.
The last time we talked was at the pharmacy, but she seems so delighted to see me I can’t help but return her affections.
We were friends once before, right?
I wonder how much she knew about me.
Maybe she has answers.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” I greet her. She’s dressed in a pale blue sundress and oversized straw hat, which is comically large on her petite frame.
It’s adorable.
“Just checking out the gardens, again. I used to come here all the time. It’s so beautiful. I missed this.”
“Used to?” I ask. “Why did you stop?”
“Oh.” She shifts uncomfortably, and the moment grows awkward. “I had a terrible memory here. But it’s fine, now.”
I want to ask her questions.
There’s something that she’s not telling me, but I don’t know her anymore.
So, I change the subject.
“I’m sorry about the other week, by the way. I know I was kind of rude to you, and all you were doing was being your bubbly self.”
Her expression brightens. “Oh, don’t worry about it! I didn’t know about everything. I found out later from Charlotte.”
Wait, how does she know Charlotte?
The alarm bells that I ignored for weeks ring loudly in my ears.
“Charlotte told you about me?” I ask quietly, setting the basket of herbs on one of the small café tables.
“Very little,” she says, her smile wavering slightly. “Just that you didn’t remember a lot after your accident.”
I search her pale blue eyes, trying to find the truth. “How close were we?” I whisper, and her brow furrows.
She sighs and her expression saddens. “Harper—"
“Tell me,” I beg her. “Please. I’m still trying to figure everything out. Anything that you can tell me would help.”
But her gaze turns, and I follow it, meeting Grey’s narrowed eyes. He gives Renee a little wave, but it’s anything but friendly.
“What’s his problem?” I mutter, scowling at him.