Page 37 of Uthar the Hunter
Beth let out a strangled cry and jumped to hug her. She pressed her to her full, soft body, enveloping her completely. She could feel Abby’s every bone.
“I missed you,” she said. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too.” Abby wrapped her arms around Beth. Over her sister’s shoulder, she looked at Uthar and Sonya. She knew who they were, but that hadn’t saved her from the shock of seeing them in the flesh.
Beth let go and wiped her tears. “This is Captain Uthar the Hunter, my mate. And this is Sonya.”
“Hi. Umm... please, come in.”
“Look who’s here!” Missy’s voice rang cheerfully from inside. “Look who decided to finally pay us a visit!” She emerged from the kitchen just as Beth, Uthar, and Sonya were entering the apartment. “Come here! Let me see you and congratulate you!”
Missy hugged Beth, then placed both her hands on her belly. It had gotten a bit rounder, but it wasn’t yet obvious that she was pregnant.
“This is amazing! I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you. Let me introduce you to my mate and my friend, Sonya.”
The next five minutes were dedicated to introductions and pleasantries. Beth noticed that Uthar was feeling uncomfortable. He didn’t know what to do with his hands, and when Missy invited them to sit in the living room, he wasn’t sure where to sit, or how. Beth sat on the couch and patted the place next to her. Missy went into the kitchen to bring refreshments, and Sonya preferred to pace around the room and study the bookshelves. When she was bored of that, she went to the window and looked outside.
Abby chose to stand, unsure of what the protocols where when one got a visit from an orc captain.
“Everyone, relax!” Beth said with a roll of her eyes.
“Who’s tense?” Missy came back carrying a tray. There was a glass for everyone and a big pitcher of lemonade. “No one is tense. This is great!” She started pouring, and gave everyone a glass, even if that meant chasing Sonya around the room.
“Can we turn on the TV?” Sonya asked.
That confused Abby for a second, but then she reached for the remote and turned it on. Sonya claimed the remote and started browsing the channels as she drank her lemonade.
“Umm... I’ve already packed,” Abby said. “It’s just one suitcase. I can change my clothes, and... we can go.”
“There’s no rush,” Uthar said. Since he was the only male in the room, – and an orc, – his voice sounded unnaturally low and grave. He cleared his throat when he noticed how Abby and Missy stared at him. “I mean, we can go whenever you want. Whenever you’re ready.”
Abby nodded.
Beth sipped her lemonade. She tried not to stare at her sister. She noticed that Missy was behaving like nothing was wrong and this was totally normal, but she knew Missy well enough to be able to tell that she, too, was worried about Abby’s state. In reality, there was no time to waste.
“We can finish our drink, and we can go,” Beth said.
Everyone nodded, except Sonya. She’d found a movie and sat in the only empty armchair.
“Can we order pizza?” she asked innocently. When no one answered, she turned to them, giving them the loveliest smile she could muster. “Please? I haven’t had pizza in years. It’s the only thing I still dream of sometimes.”
“Oh... umm... of course.” Abby grabbed her phone. “Anyone else want pizza?”
“Why not?” Beth said.
“Perfect!” Missy agreed.
“I don’t know what pizza is,” said Uthar.
“Oh, then we must get pizza! Or you’ve lived for nothing,” Beth laughed.
The orc captain furrowed his brows but said nothing. In this place, he was out of his depth. If he’d thought he’d adapted to the world of humans, he’d been wrong.
“Pizza for everyone, then,” Abby grinned.
They watched the movie while they waited, and when the pizza came, they dug in with immense pleasure. The simple fact that Beth and Sonya were devouring theirs like it was their last meal on earth made Abby and Missy enjoy theirs more than usual. Uthar was still reluctant, even as he swallowed one slice, and then another. For him, the slices were small, and before the women managed to eat half of their pizzas, he was done with his. Beth gave him one more slice.