Page 7 of Uthar the Hunter
Chapter Four
Beth rushed past him and only stopped after she’d put the couch and the coffee table between them.
Uthar furrowed his brows.
“What are you doing?” he asked. “It’s time to go to our bedroom.”
“No, it’s not.”
He was confused for a second, but then his expression changed to one of displeasure. What Beth couldn’t understand was how he still managed to look handsome when he looked at her like that. It should’ve turned her off, but his attitude of dominance and command caused, in fact, an unexpected heat to rise in her belly. Defying him felt almost exhilarating. Because she couldn’t predict what he would do.
He wasn’t dangerous, that much her gut told her.
“Beth, you heard what I said at dinner...”
“I did.”
“And I told you on the way home...”
“I don’t understand any of it! You have to start with the beginning and explain everything to me. Like I’m five! Because I’m lost, Uthar!”
“But you’re not five.” He sounded even more confused. “You are my bride, and you must fulfill your duty. Willingly. That is why you’re here. That is why you volunteered to be a tribute and be chosen by an orc.”
“I... I know... But I guess I didn’t... expect things to move so fast.” Her breathing increased, and she pressed a hand to her chest. Not again! She hadn’t had a panic attack in months. And suddenly, she had to fight one every few hours. “Tell me what’s happening. Make me understand. You can’t demand I open my legs for you on day one and let you... let you... breed me.” She couldn’t believe she’d said the word. It sounded so sinful... Almost dirty. Her core throbbed, and her panties became just a tiny bit wet. She felt her cheeks flush. This was all kinds of wrong. She hadn’t signed up for this! Or maybe... she had?
Uthar squared his shoulders and regarded her with stubbornness.
“I don’t have to explain anything to you. I’ve told you plenty already.”
“No. No, no, no.” She shook her head. “I might be a tribute, but I have rights.” Though she wasn’t quite sure what those rights were... And Uthar didn’t seem to react well to her words. His eyes were darkening, and a sharp line appeared on his forehead. “Okay, forget I said that.” Her shoulders dropped as she changed her tone to pleading and slowly came out from behind the couch. “All I ask is for you to be open with me. This is a lot to take in. You must see how it’s hard for me. You just brought me here, I met all your orcs, and let me tell you, not a lot of them gave me the impression that they liked me... And now you ask me to... It’s too much, too soon. At least talk to me. Let’s get to know each other before we jump to... I mean... we jump in bed.”
For a moment, she thought her words had flown right over his head. But then he sighed, rounded the table, and sat on the couch. From where she stood, she could see his profile.
“A captain is not made. A captain is not appointed,” he said in a low, slightly defeated tone. He sounded like he was tired. “Unless we’re in our world, where the war chief has all the power, and the slayers do his bidding. But here, in the world of humans, things are different. And since the war ended, since we’ve had to learn to live in peace, to such extent that even battles between hordes are a thing of the past, things have become... muddled. Our traditions have suffered.”
Beth nodded. She gathered her long skirt around her and sat next to him.
“When Goran the Vengeful named me captain, Lonar the Beast was there. Kinna the Mage was also a witness, and two grunts who were tending to him. He died of old age, and that’s unnatural for an orc. Especially for an orc captain. It’s almost... shameful. To live so long, to not die with honor in battle, to not have seen a battle in years! He was in pain, though it wasn’t physical. I could tell... he was disappointed. But when he uttered my name and asked me to continue his legacy and lead the horde, I said yes. And those who witnessed it nodded their agreement. And Goran died in peace. In peace! Almost a disgrace. But these are strange times we live in.”
It wasn’t easy for Beth to wrap her head around what he was saying. How to die in peace was a disgrace, how to die of old age was shameful... She had to do some serious mental gymnastics to empathize with him.
He shot her a sideways glance, and she nodded encouragingly.
“They accepted me as their new captain. Life went back to normal, and I talked to Kinna about changing my tattoos. And then he showed up. Morok the Unhinged. The son. The rank of horde captain can’t be inherited, either. In truth, he has no more claim to leadership than I do. Morok was once a raider serving under his father. Back in our world. Then we were swept through the portal, brought here, and the war started. After the war, the relationship between father and son soured. Goran embraced the new world order, started having progressive ideas. He took a human bride.”
Beth’s ears perked at that. If the late captain had had a human bride, then where was she? Was she still around?
“Morok disagreed with his choices. He took an orc bride, Hula the Relentless, and abandoned his father and the horde. We all heard about him after. Rumors. He traveled with his mate and found other orcs. Orcs who’d lost their hordes and their loved ones in the war, who had no purpose left in life. Most of them were against the peace. Some would call them rogues. Morok gathered them around him until he built his own horde. He stayed away, and Goran stopped mentioning him. When anyone asked, he said that he didn’t have a son. And later, he changed his answer to, ‘Uthar is my son.’” He smiled. “I served him as best as I could. I never wanted or expected anything from him. He was my captain, and that’s what you do as a grunt or as a raider. You serve your captain.”
Beth sighed. She could see how emotional the story had made him.
“You’re the captain now,” she said when the silence stretched between them, a little too uncomfortable.
He shrugged. “Morok is back. He came as soon as he found out about his father’s death. And he wants the horde for himself. He says he has a right.”
“And what do the others say? Lonar, Kinna...”
“They’re on my side. Lonar is my friend, and Kinna...”