Page 5 of That Ship Has Sailed
“Asshole,” the guy’s date pushed up from her seat, grabbed the girl with the caterpillar-like eyelashes by the arm, and ushered her out of the room.
“Holy shit.” The guy at Table Twelve was still laughing. “I hope the photographer walking around got a picture of that.”
Seth couldn’t help his own chuckle. “I thought it was going to attack me.”
The man wiped tears from his eyes. “You dodged a bullet with that one, I think.”
“I think I’d rather face a bullet.” All Seth could imagine was going in for a kiss and the thing tickling his eye or worse yet, what if during sex . . . He cringed, not letting himself go there.
“Sorry, man,” Table Twelve told him. “I think I pissed off your date for this round.”
Another bullet dodged. “I’m not so sure that’s a bad thing.” From the way she’d reacted to the caterpillar incident, Seth didn’t think they would’ve hit it off anyway.
What seemed like a million minutes later, when Seth thought he couldn’t take any more, Courtney slid into the seat across from him. She lifted her lips in a sweet smile that somehow made her natural beauty even more alluring. He breathed a sigh of relief. He’d already met Courtney. She’d already weighed and measured him and found him wanting. He didn’t have to impress her, because he was pretty sure the woman was incapable of being impressed.
He smiled. “Hey.”
She narrowed her eyes.
“Did I say something wrong?”
“You made your first date cry.”
“That wasn’t my fault. I fought, valiantly might I add, for two whole minutes while her eyelash dangled from her lid. I swear to God, Courtney, I think it was looking for a leaf or an apple or something to eat.”
“Eyelashes don’t move,” she informed him.
“Uh uh.” He wagged a finger at her. “They’re notsupposedto move. This one came to life and was making a move to attack me.”
“I think you’re full of it,” she told him, but she was fighting back a grin.
“Maybe that’s why it wanted me so bad.”
Courtney rolled her eyes as Jenna signaled the beginning of the next round.
“Have you checked off anyone on your list yet?” he asked.
Courtney shook her head. “You?”
“You’re not supposed to ask that.”
Her mouth fell open. “You asked first.”
“And you weren’t supposed to tell me.”
Those expressive eyes narrowed again. “Well, I can assure you I won’t be checking any boxes after this round.”
He might have been hurt by her statement if not for the mischievous glint in her eyes and the slight tilt to her plump mouth.
“Me neither,” he lied. “I like a woman who can follow directions, and it’s obvious you’re a rule breaker.”
The mischief in her eyes dimmed slightly, like he’d hit a deeply buried nerve. Despite his joke, he had a feeling the woman in front of him was far from a rule breaker. Her quiet demeanor and averted gaze lead him to believe she toed the line. Maybe too closely. What would it be like to make her break a few rules on this trip?
“I’m . . . I’m really not though.” He had to strain to hear her words. “Not that I’m saying that so you will put a check by my name. It’s just . . . well, I like things a certain way. Rules help to keep them that way.”
“A certain way? What way is that?”
She lifted a shoulder, causing the strap of her sundress to slide down her arm. Something about the sight of her bare shoulder and the thought of what awaited if that dress slipped just a little more had Seth half-hard in seconds.