Page 22 of Reunited Soulmates
My best friend threw his head back and laughed. “You mean your doctor’s sensibilities aren’t recoiling in horror at the thought of what might be swimming in that untreated water?”
But I was already taking off my shirt and wading into the cool water. God, it felt good!
“You’re too old for this, man!” Julian hollered at me.
I only laughed at him as I swam out, enjoying the feeling of water sluicing through my skin. I hadn’t gone out for a swim in such a long time, and there was just something about the lake that felt so much better than swimming in a pool.
I spied one boat out in the lake with a couple on it. Mom did say that the lake had become a rendezvous for many couples.
There was something oddly familiar about the guy, though. I squinted at him with the afternoon sun glaring in my eyes. I finally recognized him just as he leaned in to his companion for a kiss that nearly tipped the boat over.
It was Dan, Amanda’s boyfriend!
But the woman with him wasn’tAmanda. It was someone else.
The shock coursed through my system as I watched Amanda’s boyfriend cheating on her. While she had drawn the line between us yesterday, he was out here swapping spit with some other woman.
The nerve of this idiot!
I swam back to the edge of the lake like the Loch Ness monster was after my balls. Julian was still drinking his beer when I hurriedly put on my shirt, my hands shaking with anger for Amanda. He took one look at me and immediately realized something was wrong.
“Hey, are you alright?” he asked.
I pointed furiously at the lake. “I just saw Amanda’s bastard of a boyfriend kiss some other woman out there!”
“No shit!”
“No shit, man. I need to talk to Amanda. That bastard’s been playing her for a fool!”
I went over to my bike and dug out my phone, my shaking hands barely able to dial Amanda’s number, when Julian snatched it from me.
“What the hell, man?” I glared at him.
“You need to at least calm down before you talk to her, Oliver,” he told me. “If you’re feeling so shocked right now, imagine howshewould feel if you broke the news to her like this!”
He was right, but I also wasn’t about to listen to logic at this point. Amanda needed to get rid of her idiot boyfriend. Stat.
“Give that back, Julian,” I growled, lunging for my phone. My hand closed around the device and I successfully grabbed it from him.
“Hello, Oliver?” her gentle voice came through the line.
“Hello, where are you?” I barked into the phone.
“I’m just preparing some things for my class tomorrow and I’ll be closing the classroom soon.” A brief pause. “Is something wrong? You sound…not alright.”
“I’ll be there soon.” I dropped the call and got on my bike. I shot Julian a look. “She’s in the kindergarten. Don’t you dare try to stop me.”
My best friend grimaced. “Well, I’ve never tried stopping you whenever you tried to do something stupid. Why should I start now?”
Itried to settle my pounding heart but my hands were shaking and missed the lock a few times. Yesterday, I had drawn the line with Oliver as subtly and as gently as I could. He didn’t say anything about it, but I didn’t miss the hurt that flashed in his eyes for a moment. It had been so brief that I might have been imagining things.
I sighed and leaned my head on the door for a moment to get a hold of myself. Ever since we saw each other at Elle’s wedding, I was unable to focus and get my head on straight. I could not deny that there wassomethingbetween us, but it was far too vague.
I didn’t like vague. I liked consistency and stability.