Page 4 of Reunited Soulmates
Tomorrow, he was leaving for London and it was breaking my heart. I couldn’t stop him from following his dreams but I felt so helpless, having to let him go like this. I loved him so much and I was certain he loved me right back.
I felt so torn—I wanted to stay with him forever and ever but I also knew that I had to let him go. I had to let him follow his dreams and take the opportunities he had.
It’s not that we didn’t love each other and it’s what makes it so heartbreaking…I thought sadly.That we love each other so much that we are willing to let each other go.
“Let’s not think about tomorrow,” he told me quietly. “I don’t want to think about tomorrow yet.”
“Then, let’s not,” I said simply.
He sighed. “I can’t imagine a life without you, Amanda.”
“Hmm, we weren’t going to think about tomorrow, remember?” I reminded him, but my heart was already dreading our separation. It felt like tearing out a piece of me and flinging it across the world.
“That’s right,” he said, smiling down at me. “Tonight, there is just you and me. Us.” He touched his forehead to mine as he looked deeply into my eyes. “I love you, Amanda.”
“And I love you, too, Oliver,” I whispered back.
His lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss. This kiss had none of the heated urgency we sometimes fumbled through. Nor was it filled with the ineptitude of our youth.
No, this kiss was soft and sweet.
This was a promise.
This was love.
For tonight, I had Oliver and I had this kiss and I hadus.
Tomorrow—and all its troubles—could wait.
Have you ever heard someone snore so loud that you were certain they would eventually wake themselves up?
Well, to my complete and utter horror, the man seated beside me on the plane was such a person. The worst part of it was that he slept through the entire flight.
All across the Atlantic.
He had seemed so nice when we boarded the plane—although my current profession as a cardiologist had me a bit worried for him as he ambled over with his luggage. After he managed to fit it into the overhead compartment, he struggled for a moment with his seatbelt, smiling sheepishly as he adjusted it a couple of times before it could accommodate his midsection.
I’d smiled back politely because I didn’t know that he’d end up snoring like a whole host of loggers were trying to decimate the Amazon in a week.
I almost wished I’d brought some tranquilizers with me so that I could knock myself out for the rest of the flight. Unfortunately, devoid of any medication, I just cursed my bad luck and tried to catch a couple of winks as best as I could.
When the plane finally touched down, I was so relieved, I swear I could have kissed the ground the moment we deplaned.
* * *
“Rough flight?”
I glared at Julian Knox, my best friend, who had been tasked by my tyrant of a little sister and my mother, to fetch me from the airport. Unlike me, he probably had a restful night in the comfort and peace of his own home before hopping on to his Range Rover to make a trip down to the airport. Compared to him, I looked like some kind of roadkill.
“You have no idea, man. Sat next to a chainsaw for the entire flight, and he slept through the whole thing!”
He guffawed and loaded my bags in the trunk. “Well, you better fix yourself up. If Elle thought you were trying to ruin her wedding by looking less than human, she’d happily skin you alive.”