Page 76 of Reunited Soulmates
I turned my kisses to her other breast as I lavished my attention on the pearl of her center. I could feel her joining me on the peak and I slowly brought her there to join me.
Only when she crested did I allow myself to surrender to the perfection of our souls becoming one. With a soft cry, my name upon her lips, we came together, her softness shuddering around me as I growled out my release, spilling all of my being into her as we held each other.
Moments later, we remained joined together as she melted into me, her head finding its way into the crook of my shoulder.
“I wish this moment would last forever,” she murmured softly.
“Me, too,” I told her gently as I laid back onto the bed, holding her close to me, our bodies joined as if our souls never wanted to disconnect from each other. I rubbed soothing circles on her back as I wordlessly coaxed her to sleep. After a few more moments, I could feel her breathing even out on my chest, a soft snore emanating from her.
I smiled sadly to myself as I laid there awake, holding her, holding the memory of her close to my heart. I was unwilling to sleep, afraid that I would miss one moment out of the last ones we had with each other.
As I laid there, with my eyes wide open, I resolved to do what was best for the both of us—even if it would gut my soul to do so.
I pressed a soft kiss to her temple as I stared sadly out the window. In a few more hours, it would be daybreak and like Cinderella, our time together would be up.
I have to do this. Even if it’s hard…I looked down at Amanda and smiled sadly.Because it is better for me to suffer than to cause her any more pain.
Iwoke up and stretched lazily, my hands reaching out instinctively for Oliver’s warmth. Instead, my touch was met by the feeling of cool sheets and an aching emptiness when I realized that he was no longer beside me.
I immediately sat up, all vestiges of sleep fading fast as I looked around. His clothes, which I had haphazardly thrown to the floor last night, were no longer there and I felt a sense of panic that I had slept through him leaving.
As I sat there with tears brimming in my eyes, my gaze landed on a piece of paper, folded neatly, with a heart drawn on it. Inside the heart was an unmistakable “A”.
I choked back my tears as I laughed softly, reaching out for the note.
This is just like those times when we were younger, I thought to myself.He was always leaving these notes for me…Always with the “A” inside the heart…
“It’s our secret symbol,” he told me, his smile boyish and so utterly charming. “The ‘A’ stands for ‘Amanda’. It means that you are inside my heart.”
I blinked back my tears as I gently unfolded the note, reading through his message for me.
My dearest Amanda,it said.I’m sorry for leaving you so suddenly. The sight of you sleeping was so peaceful I could not bear to wake you up. It is the memory of you, lost in your dreams, that I will carry with me all the way to London and through the desolation of my life there without you.
I covered my mouth as tears began to slowly streak down my face.
It is not that I wished to be selfish, the letter continued.Rather, I wanted you to sleep for a little bit longer. You have given me the best day of my life yesterday and I do not want to mar our time together with memories of a tearful goodbye. I would rather you remembered how we held each other as our souls became one. I would rather that you remembered happiness and not sadness until the day we are fated to meet again.
I smiled sadly to myself and shook my head.
How very like Oliver, I thought to myself.He’s always thinking of others and sometimes, it would come across as rude when he goes out and does these things by himself.
But I knew him. I knew his heart, his body, his soul—and I knew that this was not him being rude. Rather, as he stated in his letter, he could not bear to let me be sad even for one moment. He would rather leave me with happy memories together than that of a sad goodbye.
My eyes wandered down towards the end of the letter.
We are star-crossed lovers, you and I,the letter said.It seems that all too often, we meet only for our circumstances to draw us apart. It is a painful, painful thing but I am grateful for whatever love and happiness we shared. I would rather go on all the days of my life, bearing those happy memories of you with much pain, than to live without ever knowing you. It is a pain that I will gladly bear.
Still, the letter continued.I never cease hoping and praying that one day, we will meet again and when we do, forever will be in our grasp. Until that moment comes, I will forever be looking forward to it. I will be seeing your face in the crowd wherever I go and I will carry the sound of your laughter in my heart to accompany me and ease my loneliness.
More tears trickled down from my eyes as I reached the end of the letter.
Destiny will decide for us, my love. But until then, I will forever hold you in my heart.
In love always, Oliver.