Page 97 of Reunited Soulmates
“Well, how have you been? We all thought you were buried under a mountain of patients!”
I smiled to myself.It seems that even success hasn’t changed Richard that much…
“Well, the practice is doing well,” I told him. “But I was calling you about that, precisely.”
“Why? Are you thinking about merging with McMed?”
I shook my head. “Not exactly. I’ve been looking for someone to take over my practice since I’ve decided to leave London.”
“Is this a short-time thing or a more permanent situation?”
He let out a sharp breath. “Why?”
“Let’s just say, it was never really my intent to stay in London for a long time,” I told him. “I’ve been planning to go back to America and set up my practice there. However, I need to entrust my patients to doctors that I can trust will take good care of them. You’re the first I thought about.”
“Well, that’s a great honor, Oliver,” he said. “What exactly do you have in mind?”
A sharp knock on the door interrupted my sentence.
“Can you hold on for a sec?” I told Richard. Then I called out. “Come in!”
At that moment, Claire burst into Examination Room 3 with a great deal of urgency. When she saw me inside, relief was written all over her features.
It could only mean one thing—a medical emergency.
“Thank God, I found you, Dr. Compton!” she cried. “I’ve been looking all over for you and I was panicking for a bit when I didn’t find you in your office.”
“Richard, there’s an emergency,” I hurriedly told my friend. “I’ll call you back later. Bye.”
I closed the call before I could hear my friend reply and rushed out the door with Claire.
“What’s the problem?” I asked her.
“The patient has been having serious chest pains when she came in,” she told me in a rush. “She’s in Examination Room 2 and she seems to have heart problems.”
I mentally went over Examination Room 2 and gauged that the ECG machine was already there, in case I needed it.
I pushed the door open and walked in only to find the biggest surprise of my life.
I blinked and rubbed my eyes but…she was there.
Wavy, golden hair just a little past her shoulders, a slender waist and the most luscious curves I had ever seen on a woman. Her green eyes lit up when she saw me, looking a little glassy with a sheen of tears.
I could not recall who took the first step. All I knew was my lips crashing on hers with the ferocity of the longing I held in for almost a month.
As her mouth opened up to mine, I plunged my tongue into the warm recesses and tasted her.
Dear God, Amanda!
We were both gasping when we finally came apart for air.
Fortunately, I had installed a mechanism in all the examination room doors that enabled them to softly close automatically, so as to provide my patients with an added measure of privacy.