Page 11 of Only the Beginning
“Oh my gosh,” Holly mumbles under me, breathless. I can’t help but be proud, picking up the pace and seeing what she likes. She’s moaning, and watching her face as she’s on the brink of an orgasm is enough for me to lose it. We both cum together, landing on top of her in a breathless post orgasm haze.
Daniel probably thinks I planned tonight, but sex was the last thing on my mind until I saw him. Nothing is sexier than this man in nothing but pajama bottoms. His bare chest just begging to be licked. I was never the type to be sexually assertive. All my exes complained about how little I was even interested in sex. Now I’m thinking it was less me and more of them.
I wanted to stay in Daniel’s bed and fuck him over and over. I’d skip all my classes for the year if it meant doing it like we did last night. We went twice, then stopped for some terrible leftover spaghetti and went another two times before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Waking before him, carefully sliding out of bed to use the bathroom. I glimpse my bedhead, and I’m glad I have a moment to fix it. I also realize I didn’t have any nightmares last night. It was one of the best sleeps I’ve had since before he saved me. Did that mean something? I wasn’t usually someone who fell this fast for someone. I shake the thought from my head and walk back to his room.
I find a t-shirt on his desk chair and slip it on, climbing back into bed. He’s sleeping with his mouth slightly open, facing me. I scooch next to him, grinding my ass against him just enough.
“Mmm, now that’s a nice way to wake up,” He growls in my ear as he pulls me into him.
“Good morning,” I smile and slide my hand in-between us under the sheets.
“Now it is,” he nibbles on my ear, and we pick up where we left off last night.
Danieland I finally manage to leave the bedroom the next day when we both have to get back to work and classes. We promise to make time again tonight. We’re like two horny teenagers who discovered sex for the first time. I’m on my second cup of coffee in my first class because I can barely keep my eyes open.
“You look exhausted,” Daphne comments as I stop by her office after class. She worked in the admissions office at the college, so we often had lunch together. Today I had grabbed us both some salads.
“I’ve been, uh, having a lot of late nights.” I can’t help the smirk on my face.
“It’s about time! You’ve needed this. Hell, you both have!” Daphne exclaims.
“Well, trust me, we both got it.” I laugh.
“At least someone is.” she rolls her eyes.
“Still in a dry spell?” She and Marshall had been in a bit of a hiatus for the last few months. It was unclear what was going on with the two of them.
“Yeah, I don’t even bother trying anymore.” She sighs, brushing her dark hair behind her ears.
When we became friends, she was so full of life and happy. Lately, it was hard to talk to her without a negative comment, either about me or herself. I tried not to pry, since the few times I tried to ask what was wrong did not go well.
“How’s the renovation coming along?” I change the subject, hoping that might change her mood. They were in the process of renovating one of the many bathrooms in their enormous house.
“It’s okay,” she says, uninterested, poking around in the salad.
We make small talk until I finish eating and make an excuse to leave her office. With twenty minutes before class, I have some time to kill, but I needed a moment to breathe. My first thought was calling Daniel, but I didn’t want to be needy. I would see him later. Surely we didn’t need to be talking all day long.
I open my phone, realizing he had texted me while I was with Daphne. He asked what I was up to, and I reply with a ‘bored between classes’. Seconds later, my phone is ringing with his photo.
“Hello?” I answer, surprised.
“Hey, I had a few minutes before a meeting. Just wanted to hear your voice.” Daniel says. I can hear a printer going in the background and keys across a keyboard. Clearly, he was in the middle of something.
“I can let you go if you’re busy, was just killing time before class.” I lie. I really hoped he’d want to keep talking.
“Nonsense. I was printing for the meeting and logging out. How was your day so far?” It sounds cliché, but it was one of those small things I truly appreciated about Daniel. When he asked how my day was, he listened and actually cared to hear the answer. He wasn’t just asking to make small talk.
“It was tiring. I almost fell asleep in my first class. Then I had lunch with Daphne, but she was, um, in a bad mood.” I tread lightly. He was sort of the guy I was seeing, but she was also his friend. I didn’t want to offend him indirectly.
“When isn’t she in a bad mood?” He snorts and I can’t help but laugh.
“Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve tried to help, but she’s just not interested, so there’s not much I can do or say.” I sigh.
“You gotta take care of you too,” he agrees.