Page 13 of Only the Beginning
“Oh,” Rachel closes the door with a slight slam that leaves people looking this way through the transparent glass.What the hell was that?
“What the hell was that?” Louis asks, letting himself into my office.
“That was Rachel.” All I had to say was her name for him to understand. That woman was a train wreck waiting to happen. I didn’t enjoy thinking about her like that, and I wasn’t usually one to call women crazy. But the word fit.
“What was she doing in here?” He looks around for signs of damage.
“She’s taking over for Abby’s maternity leave.”
“Good luck.” His eyes go wide as he lets out a long breath. We’d both need good luck if Rachel was back.
“My sister wantsme to go to the beach next weekend with my nieces and nephew.” Holly sighs in my arms. We ordered in Chinese takeout and rented a terrible movie that we both ended up laughing at.
“Do you have to go?” I ask. Holly still hasn’t been in the water since her accident, not that I blamed her.
“I mean no, but it would make her life easier. She’s got three kids and Jason is going on a business trip, so I would definitely be a lot of help. Plus, I love seeing them.” She frowns.
“What if we went to the beach this weekend? Just to test out the waters, literally.” I suggest.
“What? Like to swim?” A panic look crosses her face.
“Yes, or just dip your toes in. I’d be there the whole time. You know you’d be safe since I know what to do, and I was there last time.”
She bites her bottom lip as she considers my offer. Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten there in time. Or if I hadn’t been on a run that morning, I couldn't imagine my life without her already.
“Okay, but we take it incredibly slow,” she looks at me and I nod.
“As slow as you need, it’s a trauma to work through at your own pace.” I pull her a little closer to me.
“Are you going to eat that?” She points to the egg roll on my nightstand.
“No, you can have it.” I chuckle, handing it to her.
I can tell she wants to change the subject, so I ask her about school. She tells me about her classes and her professors. She’s only a few weeks away from graduating. She’s been applying for jobs all over Oregon, but I’ve been hoping she’ll get something in Seaside. I can’t imagine her moving away just as we’re starting something new.
“Are you listening?” She laughs, poking me with a chopstick.
“Um, no… but you’re beautiful.” I lean in to kiss her cheek before she can get upset. She tries not to smile, but I kiss her other cheek, and she can’t hold it back.
“As I was saying,” she gives me a look. “Daphne invited us over to her house for brunch on the 8th.”
“What’s that, 3 weeks from now?” I count in my head.
“Yes, well, she invited me and said if we’re still together that you should come too.” She looks at me nervously. Was this her way of asking if we were together? Here I was worried about her moving away, and she was worried I didn’t want to be with her. I can’t help but laugh.
“I can tell her no.” Holly’s face drops to her food. I take her face into my hands and look into her eyes.
“Babe, I’m laughing because I’m over here distractedly thinking about what happens if you get a job away from Seaside, and you’re worried I don’t wanna come to brunch with you and our friends in a fewweeks? Clearly, I haven’t made it obvious how much I want to be with you.”
“Really?” She has tears in the corner of her eyes.
“Yes. I really like you, Holly. I’m in this as much as you’ll let me be.”
“Is that your way of asking me out?” She asks with a smile.
“Holly Warren, will you be my girlfriend?”
“This is so unexpected,” she fake gasps and holds her hand to her chest.