Page 16 of Only the Beginning
“Rachel has been looking likethatall week, and you haven’t even batted an eye. I’m happily married, but I at least noticed. But you must be in love if you’re not even paying her any attention.”
“I—” I was about to protest, but Louis was one of my best friends. He’d see right through my lies.
“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.” He had left my office with a chuckle, leaving me lost in my feelings.
I was in love with Holly, but I also didn’t want to say it before I was sure she felt the same. The last thing I wanted to do was pull a ‘Ted Mosby’ and tell a girl I loved her too soon. But it was hard to figure out how she felt when I hadn’t seen her all week.
For the first time in my career, I was considering cutting back my hours. It was something the women I’ve dated had asked me over and over, but I never could. The job had to come first, but now I was wondering what my life would be like if I put Holly first.
Rachel has decided,since I haven’t paid her any attention, she’s going to make my life hell. Anything we need to work on together is met with anger and frustration. All of her notes are written in the messiest handwriting I’ve ever seen, and she repeatedly has told me the wrong time for meetings, so I’m too late or hours early. It’s gotten to where I have to get my assistant to double-check everything for me. Also, giving me double the work I usually have to do.
I’ve tried talking about it with her professionally, but she blows me off. Gaslighting me to the point of saying she does not know what I’m talking about, while also smiling as she walks out the door. I can’t tell if she’s after my job or just doing this to mess with me, but it’s exhausting.
It’s made me miss calls from Holly, and I never get the chance to even respond to a text anymore. If that wasn’t enough to ruin my week, my boss was even on my case since I was falling behind with this client.
It’s six full days before I have Holly in my arms again. Her blonde hair was under my chin, her tan body close to my bare chest. It’s intoxicating. Something about holding her because she’s mine makes everything else okay. It almost makes the rest of the week forgettable, holding her close.
“I missed this,” she whispers under me.
“Me too,” I smile, her speaking my thoughts.
“I don’t have class tomorrow morning. I can make you breakfast in bed,” she bites her lip as she looks at me.
“As tempting as that offer is, I have a presentation tomorrow.” I sigh.
“What about Saturday?”
“Aren’t you going to Seaside with your family?” I remind her.
“Oh crap, yes.”
“What about Sunday?” I suggest.
“We’re spending the day in bed.” Holly wiggles her eyebrows and I chuckle.
“Sounds perfect.” I kiss her forehead gently.
“How was work this week?” She asks, and I tense up.
“Stressful.” I sigh and look at the ceiling.
“Because of the project?” I know she’s asking to be curious, but the last thing I want to do is talk about work right now.
“It was just a lot this week, but how about we don’t talk about that?”
“Okay,” she pauses. “Are these the work hours you warned me about?”
“I didn’t realize how much you had to work,” she frowns, and my chest tightens.
“If you can’t handle this, I understand. It’s a lot, especially for a new relationship,” I sigh. I’ve had this conversation many times over, but now it felt different. I worried about how she was going to respond.
“As long as you’re really at the office when you’re working late, we won’t have any issues.” She smiles. It was as if lifted a weight off my chest.
Before she says anything, I flip her head onto the pillow and lean in to kiss her. I was so happy to have her back in my bed again. We’d already had sex three times since she walked in the door, but I just wanted her lips on mine. I run my hands down her chest and thighs, wanting to touch every inch of her.
“I love you,” I say, pulling away. I didn’t care about if she felt the same or if it was too early, in this moment, I just wanted her to know. Her blue eyes flutter open, looking into mine, her eyes searching for something.