Page 2 of Only the Beginning
“Didn’t you run here?”Hadn’t he said that?My head is pounding.
“Yes, but I live just up the beach. So, if you need a ride somewhere…” His voice trails as he looks me over, like he’s trying to decide if it’s okay to leave or not.
“I’m good. I drove here so I can make it back, okay?” I am careful not to tell him where the ‘back’ is. He may be handsome, but he is still a stranger.
“Can I at least walk you to your car? I’m not trying to be creepy, but my mother would kill me if she knew I wasn’t at least trying to help you home.” I look him over again. Maybe my radar is off, but he seems harmless.
“Yes, that’s okay.” I nod.
Daniel smiles and runs to grab his stuff a few yards away. He pulls on a red t-shirt over his head, showing off the most impressive back muscles. I stop myself from staring and look around for my stuff.
I had come with little: a towel, a bag, and a bottle of water I could desperately use right now. It is in the opposite direction of Daniel’s stuff, a decent distance from where we are.
I look out at the water questioning.How far had I drifted?How had something like that happened to me?
Every day in high school, I ran the same route. My sister Kennedy and I created it in high school and we never differed. Now that almost ten years have passed, and my sister moved to New York, it is rare I get to run the same route. At work, I take advantage of their state-of-the-art gym.
I had spent the weekend at my parent’s house and although I love them; I needed this for my sanity. So, I threw in my AirPods, hit a random running playlist, and started the loop around town, ending up on the Seaside beachfront.
It is March, not exactly cold but definitely not beach weather. I’m not sweating through my t-shirt, but it would’ve been too hot to wear anything more. Standing at the boardwalk and stretch for a minute. I am still in good shape, but I am exhausted from the sixty-hour work weeks I’ve been pulling.
While admiring the clouds, I notice someone in the water.Are they fucking crazy? Who the hell is swimming in weather like this?It is probably someone trying to do that polar bear or something challenge. I’m mid-eye roll when I realize the person isn’t moving.
I pull out one of my AirPods and take a step closer. Looking around, I realize the beach is deserted, there isn’t a body or seagull in sight. I walk on the sand and jog closer; maybe the person is just floating but they look lifeless.
“HEY!” I shout as loud as I can. Chills run through my spine as the person doesn’t respond.
I don’t hesitate, ripping off my t-shirt and throwing my stuff on the ground. I kick off my sneakers as quickly as I can and I take off running. The adrenaline seeps through me as I switch from running to swimming in the freezing water. I hope and pray all my years of lifeguarding can help me at this moment.It has to be like riding a bike, right?
The waves crash around me, and I go under to get to them faster. The closer I get, I realize it’s a woman. I pause to call out again, and this time I’m confident she’s not okay. I kick into overdrive, my arms propelling me forward.
I reach her just moments later and grab her body. She’s still breathing, but the waves must have knocked her under. I hook my arm under her chest and will us to get back to the sand. It’s not an easy feat, but we make it and I take no time to unzip the front of her wet suit and start CPR.
It had been years since I had been recertified, but my hands worked faster than I could think. I brush her blonde hair out of her face and hold her nose, counting in my head as I give her mouth-to-mouth.
I can feel all the blood rushing to my head as I will this to work. I left my phone up the beach, and I don’t know if I should stop this to call for help. It is probably only a minute or two, but it feels like hours.
She wakes up, choking on water, and I let go of the largest sigh of relief. As she gets her bearings, I can’t help but notice how beautiful she is. Her blonde hair compliments her bright blue eyes and tan skin. She looks like something out of a swimsuit magazine.
Holly assuresme she’s fine, but I insist on walking her to her car. I’d much rather take her to a doctor to make sure she’s properly checked out, but I can tell she wouldn’t want all that. She is a strong-willed woman, even in the brief encounter it is obvious she stood her ground. It was refreshing.
“This is me,” she points to the blue jeep next to us. It was one of three cars in the entire parking lot.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask again. Part of me is worried about her, the other part just wants to keep looking at her. She was stunning.
“Yes, thank you for saving my life, but I promise I’m okay.” She laughs slightly.
“Okay,” I nod. I can take a hint. I’m sure after something like that, she would want to go home, anyway.
I turn toward town. I hadn’t expected to get all wet, but I was in the mood for a hot coffee. The wind was picking up, and I was soaked to the bone.
“Wait!” Holly calls and I whip around to see her already in her car.
“Yes?” I ask, confused.
“Do you need a ride? Least I can do for saving my life.” She laughs. My parent's house was only a quick run away, but I was already exhausted. Those waves were no joke.