Page 20 of Only the Beginning
One thing I loved about our friends was how there never seemed to be a quiet moment. As soon as we sat down, the food being passed around and the conversation flowed. There was laughter and no awkward pauses. Soon we were stuffed with Daphne’s wonderful cooking.
The girls huddled in the dining room, talking as the men cleared the table and did the dishes. Daphne had done the cooking, so Marshall did the cleaning. It was an even trade they decided months into their marriage.
“So, tell us everything. How did you get Mr. single to commit?” Liz asks.
“I honestly don’t even know. It just sort of happened.” I sip my mimosa carefully.
“Hopefully it lasts,” Daphne quips.
“Are you guys couple enough to commit to the next camping trip with us?” Liz asks, ignoring Daphnes’ comment. What was up with her lately?
“I’d have to check with him, but I’m sure we could.” I say partly to prove something to Daphne.
“We’d have to see around his crazy work schedule,” Daphne adds.
“That’s true. Has he been busy with work lately?” Liz asks.
“Yeah, it’s been kinda hard. Some weeks I barely see him, and he hates talking about work.” I frown.
“Must be all the shit with Rachel,” Daphne says.
“Who’s Rachel?” I ask, confused. Was that Daniel’s boss?
“Uh, one of Daniel’s exes…” Liz says softly.
“Wait, Daniel works with his ex?”
“You didn’t know?” Liz looks as surprised as I feel.
I slump into the chair and try to ignore the triumphant look on Daphne’s face. What the hell was up with her, anyway? Why didn’t I know Daniel was working with his ex? Is that why he was always working late? Instead of letting my worries get the best of me, I walk into the kitchen to find out the truth.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” I’m interrupting a story Marshall’s telling, but I don’t care.
“Sure,” Daniel looks at me, concerned, and leads me toward the bathroom. Luckily, it’s big enough for two, so we both step in for some privacy.
“Are we having a quickie in our friend’s bathroom?” He smirks, leaning in, but I put a hand on his chest. It’s then he looks at my face. “Whoa, what’s wrong?”
“Are you working with your ex? Rachel?” I ask point-blank.
“Well, yeah. Where did that come from?” He looks surprised.
“It doesn’t matter. Why didn’t it come from you?” I can feel the tears welling up. Why did I have to be someone who cried when they were angry?
“I didn’t think it was a big deal,” He scrunches his eyebrows together.
“You’re working late nights and long hours with someone you used to be intimate with. It’s kind of big deal.”
“Is this about Rachel or is this about the long hours? Because you said you understood.”
“Ugh.” I push past him and leave the bathroom. Ignoring his calls, I’m grateful I only had one mimosa, and I leave without a single goodbye. I couldn’t bear to face my friends right now. I drive my Jeep all the way to the one person’s house who wouldn’t judge me.
“Holly? What are you doing here?”Ruby asks as I knock on her door. I figured I shouldn’t use the key, considering she did not know I was coming.
As soon as I see my sister, I break down in tears. She hugs me and pulls me into the house. I’m sure I look insane, but she doesn’t judge. She sneaks me past the girls and up to her room so we can talk.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Ruby asks, handing me a tissue.
So I tell her about what happened, adding in my own feelings. How was I supposed to trust someone who didn’t tell me something like that? I was understanding about his job, heck going to school full time has grueling hours too.