Page 22 of Only the Beginning
“I do, but I also knew she was giving you hell at work. Why didn’t she?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t enjoy talking about work with her. Lately it’s been so ugh, I don’t know. It’s like I don’t want to be at work anymore. I just want to be with her.”
“So cut back your hours, doofus,” Kennedy laughs.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“She’s upset because she never sees you and you’re working with your ex. You hate working with your ex, and work isn’t as enjoyable as it once was. So why don’t you cut back? It’s not like you don’t have a boatload saved already.” She says it like it’s so obvious.
“Huh,” I say, taking it all in. Maybe she had a point.
Work had always been a priority when I never had a reason for it not to be. With Rachel giving me hell, it just wasn’t what it used to be. I’d have at least another three months of that, and that’s assuming Abby comes back after her maternity leave. I already knew Rachel was in a more permanent position on the floor. Cutting back could mean less of Rachel and more of Holly.
“You there?” Kennedy prompts.
“Yeah, sorry. I think you’re right.” It wasn’t like I needed the money, either. Since I started the job, I saved most of my paycheck. I was never one for fancy cars or overpriced steak dinners. I wanted to buy a house one day like my parents did.
“I’d like to hear that again.”
“Ha, ha. I gotta go. I’ll call you later.”
We say goodbye and I run back the three miles back to my car. By the time I’m there, I’m sure of my decision.
“Are you sure about this, Daniel?”My boss asks, looking over the paperwork like I’ve told him I have three heads.
“Yes, sir. It’s what’s best.” I nod.
“Okay, consider it done. But if you ever decide to take on more again, we’ll be happy to have you.” He shakes my hand and I go to grab my stuff.
“Be sure to send Rachel in here, will you?”
“Will do,” I smile.
Thankfully, I could keep my office, but Rachel was going to be taking over my position permanently. She’d be too busy with double the work to bother me anymore, and once Abby was back from Maternity leave, I could take her old position on the first floor. It was the perfect compromise for everyone.
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Rachel asks as I walk past her office, but I ignore her. No longer do I need to engage with her and her drama.
“Boss wants to see you in his office,” I smirk. Let her think she was in trouble. Who cares?
“Did you do it?” Louis peeks his head into my office. I had warned him before I did it. He was surprised but happy for me. As a bonus, we’d be working on the same projects again soon.
“Yup.” I grab my jacket and can’t help the smile on my face as I head for the elevators. Now that it was official, I was going to get my girl.
Apparently, Daniel is just as stubborn as I am. It’s day three of complete and utter silence from him. I never thought a breakup could hurt this much. I’ve eaten my weight in ice cream and binged terrible reality tv, but nothing has made me feel better. I almost call him a few times, but I don’t even know what I would say. It makes me feel worse the more I think about it.
I’m wearing a t-shirt he left at my house, waiting for my Chinese food, when the doorbell rings. I scramble to grab my wallet and hope the delivery person doesn’t give her a weird look about me appearance.
“Daniel?” I open the door, shocked to see him on the other side.
“Hi Holly,” his warm voice and comforting smile just as I left him.
“W-what are you doing here?” I stutter.
“You’re making a huge mistake.”
“Excuse me?”What, was he here to yell at me?